Thank you for your question. A couple of thoughts come to mind in terms of uniting a community that has been impacted by broader political environments.
Overall, you will need to expand beyond the book club and consider partnering with other community agencies that are involved in this space to see if they would be interested in collaborating to promote capabilities and motivations among the group of folks you're engaging.
Hello, thank you for your questions about using Photovoice research in the classroom. Generally, be sure to review the Community Tool Box's section on Implementing Photovoice in Your Community for directions and rationale for using Photovoice. Specific answers and implementations will very, depending on your goals for the process. We do not have specific experience using Photovoice in the area of language learning, but it can definitely can be used to help students or teachers understand challenges with the approach. In addition, you may be able to find online reports, articles, and websites devoted to implementing Photovoice in specific areas. See, for example, Ferdiansyah et. al's 2020 Photovoice in the English as an Additional Language (EAL) Writing Classroom: No Need to Rush to Love Writing Because Love Will Grow with Time The CTB section on Photovoice has more details on recruiting participants, but I'd encourage you to start by considering the story that you want to document and tell. For example, who do you want represented? You could include all learners in terms, or just a representative sample of those that are the most challenged. Photovoice is not overly prescriptive on participants, and your recruitment and selection will depend on the goal of the project. If the participants have access to cell phones, they are the easiest and most convenient solution. Smartphone cameras have excellent quality and make it easy to process and share results. Disposable cameras can be another option. In any case, high-end equipment is not necessary. You may find some examples of sharing photovoice findings and exhibiting your results in the CTB's Photovoice section. You can also create written documents, hold media events, make public presentations, and/or offer a photovoice exhibit. If you are planning to exhibit results, you may want access to a projector, but posters and other methods work well. You may find other examples and discussion around how to write letters of consent and informational statements on the internet, but a good starting point is the Joint Commission's 2022 primer on Informed Consent (pdf)
Hello and thank you for reaching out with your questions regarding cultural humility. I cannot think of a particular validated scale for cultural humility, but I know there are several examples of process and outcomes measures related to cultural humility in the context of community research partnerships that may be helpful. In particular, Nina Wallerstein's team has developed a conceptual model of CBPR that presents measurable outcomes that one can consider in their measurement approaches -- Another article that comes to mind is from Foronda et al (2021), where they offer some factor items that are indicative of key tenets in cultural humility. I recommend reviewing the items as they appear to be adaptable across contexts, not just clinical settings. For instance, the attention to power imbalances and diversity as a factor in our perspectives may be relevant to apply with your partners. As an alternate, it may be beneficial to think about the core components of cultural humility and co-create an instrument with your partners instead. If the purpose of the instrument is for holding accountability and capturing progress, then co-creating a tailored instrument may be more beneficial. If you are seeking to test whether cultural humility is impacting certain outcomes, then I think you may need to develop instrumentation for the project. Our community toolbox also has some materials that expand on the core tenets of cultural humility that may be a good starting point for your discussion with partners: Multicultural collaboration, Hope that this information gives you a direction on where to go next!
Greetings from the Community Tool Box! We are so glad you have found the Community Tool Box resource and appreciate you reaching out about opportunities to partner. We do provide a number of services nationally (and beyond). In order to determine how we might be most helpful, lets start with a chat (email or visit to schedule a meeting). In the meantime, there are other ways we hope we can be helpful.
We hope to hear from you and wish you all the best as you work to improve the community.
Greetings from the Community Toolbox
In some content, we offer PowerPoint presentation slides, checklists, etc that offer other formats with the same information. We don't currently have a feature that converts any fof the files into PDF. However, you can copy paste the content into Word to save as a PDF, though it may take some minor editing to ensure the format is consistent. If there is a specific area you'd like to convert to PDF, that would be helpful for us to know for future considerations of allowing file conversions.
Thank you again for your question and hope that you continue to use our resources for improving your community.
Thank you for submitting a question to the Community Toolbox!
We appreciate you sharing this story with us and reaching out for support. Based on what we know from our experiences in the U.S., it may benefit your group to identify an investigative journalist in the UK to follow-up on what has happened. Some public awareness from a trusted journalist might motivate community action. You should also consider making multiple requests to investigative authorities (police). After that, other options may be to organize coalition efforts to amplify awareness of the issue. We cannot suggest what would be legal within the bounds of UK law, but we can suggest ways to motivate your community into action through the toolbox activities.
There may be some helpful resources here: /en/not-enough-action
Thank you for submitting a question to the community tool box and using Ask An Advisor!
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the IMAGINE framework. It may very well be based on the Toolbox, but I do not think it is derived from it. There aren't any pages dedicated to the IMAGINE framework. In terms of endorsement in practice, as a community psychologist, I have not come across the IMAGINE framework. That does not mean people don't apply it! Our community tool box has several other resources that may help for community change initiatives to offer alternative approaches:
/en/table-of-contents/overview/model-for-community-cha... /en/dont-know-how-to-solve-problem
You can review the links above to see what components you may want to add to the framework or align the framework with some of our promising practices for approaching community change.
Thank you for submitting to our tool box.
Thank you for submitting your question to the community toolbox and using Ask An Advisor!
There are several examples of questions for community needs surveys out in the field, but the questions you include will depend on your theory of change, your community's context, and the overall framework you bring in to the work. I have provided resources below to help get you started: /en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-n...
I approach community needs assessment very systematically - first in discussion with communities to learn more about their experiences and priorities. Once you do some of that initial work, which you may have already, you want to bring in theory or a guiding framework in terms of what it is you hope to understand that is needed for community change AND aligns with the priorities of communities. I encourage you to view this as a broader approach to the community needs assessment as that will influence the impact you can make with it!
One example is seen in the Gen County Community Needs Assessment Survey: This community needs assessment applied the SDOH framework to help guide the design of questions, they also brought in community representatives to help with the instruments and data collection. Overall, your questions will depend on several factors and there isn't a template you can just copy and implement across all communities because every community is different. These assessments typically work better when you tailor them in collaboration with community members.
You can review other examples on this page: /en/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/examples
Another idea to consider is having community member representatives help you shape the questions so that the design is culturally responsive and inclusive of the community's context. Is there a partner group you could possibly pilot questions with or elicit additional questions from? Perhaps conducting a quick scan of what kind of needs assessment the community has already done might also be helpful so that you dont ask the same questions (unless they are dated) and you can identify more relevant questions to understanding current priorities.
I also prioritize assets and strongly recommend this to other practitioners. As you build the needs assessment, you can build in questions that explore assets, expanding on needs, while also understanding the strengths that communities rely on and utilize as support resources. This question could be as simple as an open-ended item that allows folks to respond to: "What are some of the strengths you see in your community."
Hope that this helps and best of luck in your approach to the needs assessment. Feel free to post any additional questions as you learn more about the community's experiences.
Dear Ida
I agree with you that most Self Efficacy Scales are designed (and validated) for students. On the CTB website, you can find an example (Toolkit n. 12, Evaluating the Initiative, Example n. 3, Depression Self-Management for Rural Women with Disabilities) which used the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, whose items have been “modeled after the types of items used by Lorig et al. (1996)” and constructed to assess behaviors of participants. Lorig is an author who explores particularly health issues [Lorig, K., Chastain, R. L., Ung, E., Shoor, S., & Holman, H. R. (1989). Development and evaluation of a scale to measure perceived self‐efficacy in people with arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology, 32(1), 37-44.); Ritter, P. L., Sheth, K., Stewart, A. L., Gallagher-Thompson, D., & Lorig, K. (2022). Development and evaluation of the eight-item Caregiver Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES-8). The Gerontologist, 62(3), 140-149].You may think about a way of proceeding like the Example n. 3, so “modeling” items to assess aspects related to your research and intervention design.Hoping to have been helpful enough…. and many thanks for asking Community Tool Box!
Dear KunbiMany thanks for asking Community Tool Box.We surely have a lot of suggestions you can use, and I think they will be useful. See the Toolkits on the website ( - specifically Toolkit n. 2. Assessing Community Needs and Resources, which guides conducting assessments of community needs and resources. I also found another interesting example in Chapter 3, Section 1 Developing a Plan for Identifying Local Needs and Resources, which also includes a PowerPoint summarizing how to plan a needs assessment. I used it in my action research, and I found it helpful.Best wishes for your work!