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Guestbook Entries

The Community Tool Box team greatly appreciates your visit to our site and we'd love to hear from you, and learn more about you and how you are using the resources on the site to support your community work. We encourage you to browse guestbook entries from visitors to our site and while you’re here, encourage you to subscribe to our eNewsletter to keep in touch and learn about new resources as they become available.

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1 Octubre 2013 Mary Scott ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Executive Director, Louisiana Primary Care Association, MSW, LCSW- The Association advocates on behalf of the uninsured and underserved, promoting 100% health care access and 0 health disparities in Louisiana.
I actually wanted to develop a community develop tool box for use by local communities as we work to expand access to health care in rural and underserved urban communities. You have already done the work. Thanks a million!
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1 Octubre 2013 Dawn Marie Craik ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Health Planner 3 for the Maternal and Child section of the State Department of Health. I work a lot with statistics, mapping and graphing. I am also very involved with the Annual Block Grant.
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1 Octubre 2013 Jennifer Crouse ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work for Vision for Children at Risk, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization focused on child well-being.
Research, best practices information
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1 Octubre 2013 Victor Medrano ,
Who I am Use of CTB
CDC Project Office - Office on Smoking and Health Trainings and to Provide Technical Assistance
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1 Octubre 2013 Ellis Neufeld ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a pediatric hematologist at Children's Hospital in Boston. Our center is the site of the Boston Center for Genetic Blood Disorders, a a federal MCHB-funded project to improve comprehensive care for children with sickle cell disease, thalassemia syndromes, and other inherited blood diseases.
Part of the grant mandate is to expand community-based services. This is also a key goal for our hospital in general. I am looking for similar projects elsewhere.
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1 Octubre 2013 laurel janssen breen ,
Who I am Use of CTB
professor of nursing (rn/bsn) community health course.
will use as supplemental resource for students to access during community health assessment component of course
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1 Octubre 2013 Sue Magill ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a MSW working with the homeless and working poor at a non-profit(Dixie Care & Share). Our organization has partnered with a newly formed free clinic to provide quality medical care to the above population. As the clinic is new, we are all learning as we go. We have the cooperation of our local physicians, Health Department and state Health Department. I am constantly looking for ideas as well help to help our organization be more effecient as well educating the general public about our organizations.
I just happen to stumble on this web site and am educating myself as I go.
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1 Octubre 2013 Paul Longo ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Field Coordinator in the Department of Social Work at Monmouth University.
Monmouth University, in the Department of Social Work, offers a concentration (Master of Social Work level) in International and Community Development. I am always interested in community development information, field placements, and social action information. Our program is the only one of its kind in the United States and focuses on development both locally and internationally.
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1 Octubre 2013 Karen Hopkins ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am an Associate Professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work.
I find this site helpful for teaching courses in Community Practice and Human Service Management.
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1 Octubre 2013 Gizaw Tsehai ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a physician(surgeon)originally from Ethiopia.At present working in Community Health Department of Hennepin County of the City of Minneapolis. My area of focus is in health disparities of minority groups, immigrants and refugees. One of the major tasks which is facing me is to organize the communities and establish partnership with them. I found the toolbox a treasure source for my future work and I hope to establish a working relationship with you and try not only to benefit from your efforts but also contribute with my extensive experience in international health problems and how it can be adapted to the situation in USA where the population is gradually becoming multi-cultural and diverse.
As a source of education and reference.
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1 Octubre 2013 Paul Briggs ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Clinical Social Worker here in Miami, FL. I am currently working with the treatment of mental illness and substance abuse/addiction in a residential setting. I have been a long time advocate/activist in the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Communities. I have a continued interest in various types of community work, how communities can become stronger, work together, maintain mental/physical health, teach, nurture and care for our children.
For now, as a reference resource. I have not yet explored it in depth.
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1 Octubre 2013 MARIE M. SPIVEY ,
Who I am Use of CTB
VP, COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. Department is Hartford Hospital's (HH) single point of entry for the community. Responsible for: Community Benefit Plan/Program; chair the Community Health Improvement Investment Committee;appointed by city's mayor to a 6-member Public Health Advisory Council to advise the Health Dept.; Governor/Legislative appointments to a)state Board of Trustees overseeing the Hartford Public School System, and b)CT. State Board of Trustees for the Community Technical College System; Legislative appointment to chair a CT.Advisory Commission on Multicultural Health.
Grant Writing; troubleshooting; program models; communicate with colleagues across the country.
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Gordon Hall ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Manager of Community Economic Development Initiatives. Specialize in developing processes and tools to assist communities in mapping their assets (individual - abilities, experiences, interests, and community assets). Data is entered into a database (built specifically for and by that community). The information contained in the database can then be used for individual, association and community strategic planning purposes. It is not only a measure of the current capacity of the community (and individual) but it discovers assets within the community that can be utilized to fill apparent gaps. We have worked with various communities - geographic, disabled, government departments, organizations, health centres, etc. - to help them identify their assets. Our mandate at Acadia Centre for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (an affiliate of Acadia University) is to work with individuals and communities to help them discover and recognize their motivations (derived from interests) for the establishment of enterprises. At this point, they enter the typical process for business development. What we do in community development is complimentary to this purpose, because we measure the degrees of ability, experience and interest and can help individuals and communities identify opportunities, gaps and assets available to them to fill those gaps. If you would like more information, just email me and I can forward you samples of what has been accomplished.
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1 Octubre 2013 Lawrence Ullian ,
Who I am Use of CTB
provide training, organizational development, planning, and strategic support to state's public welfare programs that include child support enforcement, welfare-to-work, and public assistance. institutional affiliation is: Institute for Public Sector Innovation Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service University of Southern Maine
framework and tools to assist communities in collaborating to facilitate non-custodial fathers with paying child support
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1 Octubre 2013 Nancy Sikes-Kline ,
Who I am Use of CTB
As a historic preservationist I have come to realize I must advocate. This takes organization. Your website is helpful for this purpose. However, I am looking specifically looking for information on how to host a candidates forum. Election years are a very good time to ask important questions related to our interests.
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1 Octubre 2013 Matt Anderson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Associate Planner for the City of La Crosse
As back ground and research for 3 neighborhood groups. I amd writing neighborhood plans and working with the groups on implementating those plans.
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1 Octubre 2013 Dale Smith ,
Who I am Use of CTB
A social worker/social activist for 25 years, who currently teaches community oriented social work at Western Kentucky University.
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1 Octubre 2013 Julie Dodge ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I oversee the Prevention Services Division of Tualatin Valley Centers. We offer a variety of individual, family, and community prevention programs to support the healthy development of kids, families, and communities.
I am visiting for the first time.
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1 Octubre 2013 Helen Deines ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I teach practice in a justice-focused MSW program. My practice interests focus on power-building services for vulnerable groups and work with HIV-affected/infected folks.
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1 Octubre 2013 barb bradley ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hey, guys-am now at UWA and the last name has changed from Copple to Bradley. Note to Vince-my son has come by looking for you (I told him he should scope out the Work Group) but he did not find you in-I have encouraged him to keep trying. His name is Boone Bradley. Also-can I call you, Vince to talk about Annie Casey?
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1 Octubre 2013 Prescott Eaton ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Windows 98 President, Federation of Georgia Homeowners Inc.
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1 Octubre 2013 arthur angst ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director, Nursing Systems North General Hospital grant funding ideas and how-to
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1 Octubre 2013 Debra Harris ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I teach at California State University in Fresno, CA. Am interested in this area, which I used in my dissertation for my PhD.
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1 Octubre 2013 FAYE ABRAM ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Associate Professor with Saint Louis University teaching in BSSW/MSW program, community concentration.
Just beginning to use the Community Tool Box
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1 Octubre 2013 Yvette Bradford ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Planner at Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, one of the largest area agencies on aging in the U.S. I am interested in community planning for groups that are underserved by formal service providers.
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1 Octubre 2013 Oscar Merritt ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a member of the Baha'i Faith interested in the activity of social and economic development.
Your site was recommended to me, and it certainly looks like a fantastic place. My first visit.
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1 Octubre 2013 Aaron Beckerman ,
Who I am Use of CTB
1. I lead a group composed of physicians-in-training. 2. I am interested in assessment/evaluation issues in group work. 3. In terms of political action, I am interested in learning more about interdisciplinary advocacy groups.
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1 Octubre 2013 Tim Hayes ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Counselor at local Junior High and am 57. I am taking a class on addiction and concerned about the level of use of alcohol and drugs in our community, level of abuse of children. I will retire in one year and work in a non-profit organization based on spiritual principles to serve the needs of families, recovering substance abuse users, and other issues of community concerns. I am a Baha'i and was raised in Tillamook.
I am working with a group of community members that includes recovering youth to develop programs for youth and parents within our school. Part of this is to connect with community resources. We are in the developmental stages.
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1 Octubre 2013 Anne Wennerstrand-Elkins ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a social worker working in community mental health - my focus is groupwork specifically addressing women's health and empowerment. I teach groupwork at Hunter College School of Social Work, New York City and also teach at NYU School of Education.
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1 Octubre 2013 Jeanne Lyner ,
Who I am Use of CTB
This is a place that will be very helpful in my grant writing endeavors and group facilitation skill building. I work for Children Are People. We have education/support groups for children, teens and adults who are impacted by someone's drug or alcohol use.
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1 Octubre 2013 Michael Wildhack ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I LOVE your collection of TOOLS in the Toolbox ! I have recommended the site to several other folks - and TRIED to find mention of them in the GuestBook - which I have myself not bothered to sign these past dozen or so times I have come to mine the riches of this site. Future recommendations will include "...and PLEASE sign into the Guest Book !" [first we change ourselves - then we change our world...] A current project is working with a group of Baha'is who are involved with various aspects of Agriculture /Environment / Community-building / Sustainability ... to build a viable organization which would serve to build community among MANY groups which commonly focus on their DIFFERENCES instead of their COMMON concerns - an extreme example might be "tree-huggers" and folks in the timber industries - an early attempt will be constructing a web portal with resources for MANY diverse interests - and then e-discussion groups (moderated) to encourage reasonably polite and productive interchanges among these folks. Working name for the group is "Agriculture Forum" - and when we settle on a web host and such - I'll be back to post an update. Thanks for a GREAT resource on the web...! Michael in Cochabamba 8^)>
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1 Octubre 2013 Maureen McGovern ,
Who I am Use of CTB
People with Disabilities in Ireland Ltd.(PwDI) is a representative structure through which people with disabilities can participate in and influence the decision-making process on matters of concern to them. PwDI as the National representative body of all people with disabilities, organisations of parents, partners, carers and advocates, presents a strong unified and inclusive voice. PwDI aims to provide support for the development of self-advocacy, disability awareness and related programmes aimed at promoting equality for all. And I'm the Training and Development Officer for the organisation. I find this wed very useful regarding information and training, so keep up the very good work. Very best wishes, Maureen
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1 Octubre 2013 Alma Jones ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I manage the website for our neighborhood thru Neighborhood Link and am constantly on the lookout for new ideas and useful tips which can be used in our community. Our website is:
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1 Octubre 2013 Melody Scheer ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the coordinator of the Oral Health Program at Southwest Washington Health District. I think this is one of the most useful sites that I have found on the internet.
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1 Octubre 2013 mirna cano ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I like this page, and I am interested in helping solve social problems. I think that through behavior analysis we can do it. I am a grad student of Social Work and have a bachellor's in Psychology. I am looking forward to get a CBA certification.
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1 Octubre 2013 Cecile Lardon ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Great website!!! Thanks for putting this together.
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1 Octubre 2013 Tula Fitzgerald ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Occupational Health Nurse - President Townhouse community association- Public speaker on health and community issues.
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1 Octubre 2013 margaret Redsell ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work with the older people of Inala to help them make decisions and participate in activities which effect their health.
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1 Octubre 2013 Families Together Inc. ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Families Toghter, Inc is a state wide organization that assists parents and their sons and daughters with disabilities. The program's mission is to offer families the security of belonging to a group of caring individuals with similar goals, challenges, and needs. Families Togehter, Inc. is dedicated to a society that includes and values all people.
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1 Octubre 2013 Sonya Murray ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Involved in community development support work and evaluation North and south of Border in Ireland.
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1 Octubre 2013 cheryl barr ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Health Educator with Oklahoma State Department of Health. Interests in domestic violence prevention.
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1 Octubre 2013 Cheryl Cook ,
Who I am Use of CTB
President and Owner of The Cook Group - Consulting, planning and training consultancy for npo's, government and community organizations. Utilizing Community Asset Building with a local agency and interested in additional resources in this area.
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1 Octubre 2013 Virgil Watson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am currently the Hospital Administrator at Sumner Co. Hospital No. 1 in Caldwell, Kansas. We were recently awarded a 74,000 from the state of Kansas and KHA. The Caldwell and Arkansas City Hospitals as well Cowley County Public Health, Caldwell Family Clinic, Arkansas Clinic are the participants in the project. The grant $ are to promote collaboration between care providers and hopefully improve access to care. I attended the public health summit and heard your presentation. We need the tools in the community tool box and the expertise of Vincent and training on how to effectively use the tools that you provide. I have been unsuccessful in reaching Vincent by phone. Please call me at 316-845-6492 or e-mail me. Thanks Virgil Watson
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1 Octubre 2013 Heather McRae ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I have completed my Bachelor of Arts from the University of Winnipeg in 1998 and since then, was employed at Portage Correctional Institute and participated in an 8 month international community development exchange. I plan to pursue graduate studies in community development and popular education.
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1 Octubre 2013 Sandra Poirier ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a new visiting faculty member at Florida International Univeriety, Miami. At a national meeting I saw your materials exhibited and was impressed. I'm teaching a class in the Family and Consumer Sciences section and want to use some of the materials for the class. I am also interested in becoming a partner. Please advise. Sandra Poirier
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1 Octubre 2013 John Bull ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Dentist/ CO-Chair Drug Free Mesa County/ Mesa County Board of Health member/
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1 Octubre 2013 Tonda Luckett ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the director of a community prevention center and assist our local coalition.
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1 Octubre 2013 Marco Akerman ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I met Stephen Fawcett im Mexico last month who invited me to visit this site and help him to traslate the site to Portuguese as well. I'm glad to help.
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1 Octubre 2013 Wendy Miller ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am an evaluator with Youngstown State University. I currently evaluate several community-based inititives including teen pregnancy and crime prevention.
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1 Octubre 2013 Barbara Walsh ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am an Independent Grant Writer, and I search the Web on a daily basis. Your site has very useful information and links.
