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Guestbook Entries

The Community Tool Box team greatly appreciates your visit to our site and we'd love to hear from you, and learn more about you and how you are using the resources on the site to support your community work. We encourage you to browse guestbook entries from visitors to our site and while you’re here, encourage you to subscribe to our eNewsletter to keep in touch and learn about new resources as they become available.

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1 Octubre 2013 Kathleen Allison,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am working on the PA Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factor Project. Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Linda Lockhart,
Who I am Use of CTB
I have my MPH from UNC-Chapel Hill. Have recently completed a role as project coordinator in a western county of NC. I have now relocated to eastern NC and hope to become an integral part of this communities Healthy Carolinians initiatives. Have found this site to be a great source of update on needs assessment techniques.
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1 Octubre 2013 Nicole Herding,
Who I am Use of CTB
Senior at East Carolina University, Community Health Education major Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Frank Thompson,
Who I am Use of CTB
Public Health Planner for Kansas City (MO) Health Dept. Recently relocated to the KC area from Springfield, MA. Introduced to the Community Tool Box by my wife who was introduced by a former graduate intern of hers.
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1 Octubre 2013 Susanna Suchak,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work as Health Promoter for the Thames Valley Preschool Speech and Language Initiative. Your site has wonderful information for those of us who are involved with community development. Thanks for being here!
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1 Octubre 2013 Wendy Blumenthal,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm Director of Health Planning at the Greenwich, CT Department of Health and I also do consulting with non-profit organizations.
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1 Octubre 2013 Tonya Coleman,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a graduate student in social work at the University of Texas at Arlington. Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Susan Dichter,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am working with a faith-based collaborative of child welfare agencies. We are trying to help communities in Philadelphia by supporting the development of multisector collaboratives.
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1 Octubre 2013 Marnella M. Bingham-Mosley,
Who I am Use of CTB
Please include me on any mailing list. Please send any printed materials and information to: Ms. Marnella M. Bingham Urban League of Portland 10 N. Russell Portland, Oregon 97227 . If a price list please send me an order form. This is very important, our Urban League is experiencing a major restructuring - community capacity building is an important element of our success. I would like any technical assistance possible.
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1 Octubre 2013 Kay Swindell,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work for Onslow Community Ministries,Inc. We are in the process of opening a free medical for the indigent in our county. The opening date is Sept.16,1999. We have had several problems trying to get our pharmacy license. I am currently in contact with PDRX, who will sell us meds. It is a last "ditch effort". Otherwise, all is well. Thank you for your website.
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1 Octubre 2013 Jenette Nagy,
Who I am Use of CTB
PA student interested in community health -- what an extraordiary site! Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Charlotte Jensen,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am working on my Master's Theses on the differences in Training Volunteers and Training paid staff, or should there be?
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1 Octubre 2013 Doug Taylor,
Who I am Use of CTB
MPH from the Univ. of South Carolina Project Director for the Evaluation of South Carolina Adolescent Pregnancy Initiatives Principal Investigator is Dr. Murray Vincent
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1 Octubre 2013 Pratomo Soetrana,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am teaching Christian Education, Ethics, Introduction to Cultural Studies ( at Department of Humanity Studies, in "Duta Wacana Christian University", Yogyakarta,Indonesia)(Homepage:Http://, General Psychology and Developmental Psychology (in "Doulos Theological School", Yogyakarta, Indonesia). I am interesting with personal and community development programs. Thank you.
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1 Octubre 2013 valerie farrell,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a program coordinator for the Research Foundation of CUNY. Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Carl Clements,
Who I am Use of CTB
Staff person responsible for the Kino-Quebec program (physical activity promotion) within the regional public health department in the Outaouais region of Quebec (near Ottawa).
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1 Octubre 2013 Kristen Mackert,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a graduate student at The University of Tennessee-Knoxville. I am working towards a Master of Science in Public Health Nutrition and a Master of Public Health in Community Health Education.
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1 Octubre 2013 iris johnson,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am working with a physician hospital organization in rural Washington State. We are looking for funding to improve access to medical care and to improve communications between providers. Funding will be necessary. Thank you for your assistance.
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1 Octubre 2013 Clarissa Hamp,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm an intern at the Michigan Council for Maternal and Child Health--A lobby/Advocacy Organization. Your website is fabulous--I find getting around in it however a bit challenging.
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1 Octubre 2013 Barrie Dugan,
Who I am Use of CTB
City of Tulare representative to California Healthy Cities and Communities. Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Kathryn Clark,
Who I am Use of CTB
Currently studying Masters of International and Community Development in Australia
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1 Octubre 2013 Steve Lawless,
Who I am Use of CTB
Community development manager for Brighton & Hove (UK) council. I manage a small team of community workers. We work with New Deal for Communities, do neighbourhood and project work, promote user choice and empowerment within Social Services.
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1 Octubre 2013 Martha McLeod,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director, Northern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Donna Warner,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a resource co-ordinator at the Canadian Network of Toxicology Centres Head Office, at the University of Guelph. I have co-authored an interactive computer game on CD-ROM called PERIL. The goals of this resource is to provide youths with risk perception information and injury prevention while challenging them to a game quiz on risks found in home, work, and play environments.
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1 Octubre 2013 Michelle Howell,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Project Coordinator of a Federal Rural Health Outreach Grant which promotes health ministry/ parish nursing as well as the use of telecommunication equipment to increase heath, healing and wellness in our community. I am on a listserve for the Interfaith Health Program of The Carter Center at Emory University in Atlanta. We have been discussing evaluation of the validity of parish nursing. Someone posted your web site as a good resource about evaluation. I have enjoyed looking at your site and will plan to return from time to time. Thanks.
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1 Octubre 2013 Ravin Singh,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work for an NGO that is involved in capacity building for community based, civic, student,youth, union and political parties that were not legal entities before 1990.
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1 Octubre 2013 Cliff Carr,
Who I am Use of CTB
Evaluation consultant Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Bill Lohman,
Who I am Use of CTB
Substance abuse counselor at Mainstream Kansas City, Inc. Residential programs for alcohol and drug addiction. Gender-specific treatment, with separate centers for men and women. Located near Bonner Springs, Kansas. Licensed by the State of Kansas, Dept. of Social and Rehabilitation Services. Web site of Mainstream:
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1 Octubre 2013 Angela Wiley,
Who I am Use of CTB
The Gang Crime Prevetion Center is a bureau of Illinois Attorney General Jim Ryan's office. I am currently a Community Mobilization Manager within the Community Mobilization Unit. Working with neighborhoods of 150-300 residents, we are dedicated to motivating and assisting residents in taking an active role in identifying, prioritizing, and developing solutions to their issues on their terms.
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1 Octubre 2013 Patricia Rogers,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director of a university-based evaluation unit which undertakes teaching, research and consultancy in public sector program evaluation.
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1 Octubre 2013 Glynis Rainey,
Who I am Use of CTB
This site has helped me. I'm doing an internship with a City Administrator & one of my projects is coordinating community planning meetings.
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1 Octubre 2013 LA Roberts,
Who I am Use of CTB
working on strategic planning for Junior League of Louisville...e-mail address highly recommended by staff member at Metro United Way!
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1 Octubre 2013 Sherry Roberts,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director of Community Health for California Association of Catholic Hospitals Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Clare Wasteneys,
Who I am Use of CTB
My work involves developing tools, resources and training in community economic analysis (CEA) to assist rural communities in Ontario to better understand the local and regional economy.
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1 Octubre 2013 Richard Burhenne,
Who I am Use of CTB
Senior health planner for prevention, San Diego county Office of AIDS coordination - plan,oversee, provide T.A. to services which are provided by CBOs. Also expertise in ATOD. Long time interest in community development and community (vs individual) approaches to prevention; practical program evaluation; building collaborative relationships. Also, interest in growing the local gay community.
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1 Octubre 2013 sanele shabalala,
Who I am Use of CTB
Work for local government managing a group of nine dedicated community development officers. We deal mostly with low cost housing issues and resettlement. However our core area of interest at the moment is Community Leadership Development. First time I seen your informative Tool Box and I love it!!
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1 Octubre 2013 jack wortman,
Who I am Use of CTB
member and vp reno co health planning council. a turning point initiative. Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Cassandra Youngblood,
Who I am Use of CTB
Work for Contra Costa County Health Services as a Health Educator. Interested in access and equity issues for under-represented, disadvantaged groups. Very interested in advocacy.
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1 Octubre 2013 Robert Evans,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Licensed Social Worker and work for the Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation.
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1 Octubre 2013 Kimberly Pizarro,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Community Investment Coordinator for a United Way in Louisiana. We have several community-wide initiatives going, and I am always interested in hearing about what other communities are doing!
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1 Octubre 2013 Dena Jackson,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Health Education Ph.D. student at Texas Women's University in Denton, TX. I was looking for a community development or community organization protocol to critique as a part of a class assignment. Your page was easy to find with a search of "Community and Health and Education". I am looking forward to browsing through your page and marking it for future reference.
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1 Octubre 2013 Karen Grover,
Who I am Use of CTB
Center YouthFriends Coordinator. Using Chapter 10,section 7: Building and Sustaining Relationships for a new YouthFriends Coordinators Orientation. I do think you should add as Step 12 "Find out what people need. You may be able to help them.
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1 Octubre 2013 Lauralynn Staton,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Community Health Manager for a rural - non-profit hospital in central Minnesota.
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1 Octubre 2013 Kay Swindell,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the new clinic Coordinator for Onslow Community Ministries, Inc.. Jacksonville, NC. Have just started recruiting med.professionals. All looks well...but need advice on writing a vision statement. Any ideas? Thanks!!! Kay
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1 Octubre 2013 Beth Estep,
Who I am Use of CTB
Student, community health major at East Tennessee State U Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Mary Woodley,
Who I am Use of CTB
Work with a city agency that work directly with citizens, civic groups etc. We cater to the citizens needs.
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1 Octubre 2013 Marie Kissinger,
Who I am Use of CTB
I teach high school sp. ed. in Battle Creek, Michigan Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Arthur Himmelman,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hello everyone! Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Cindi McGaughan,
Who I am Use of CTB
i am a health educator for the County of Orange, in the Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Team
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1 Octubre 2013 Kathleen Mazzuca,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am amazed how your wonderful Website has grown in depth and breath. I am going to many of the wonderful tools in teaching a distributive learning course to graduate community health nursing students in the great state of NE. I saw you at a national meeting a few years ago and have been following your site since then. Thanks
