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Guestbook Entries

The Community Tool Box team greatly appreciates your visit to our site and we'd love to hear from you, and learn more about you and how you are using the resources on the site to support your community work. We encourage you to browse guestbook entries from visitors to our site and while you’re here, encourage you to subscribe to our eNewsletter to keep in touch and learn about new resources as they become available.

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1 Octubre 2013 Kathleen Mazzuca,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am amazed how your wonderful Website has grown in depth and breath. I am going to many of the wonderful tools in teaching a distributive learning course to graduate community health nursing students in the great state of NE. I saw you at a national meeting a few years ago and have been following your site since then. Thanks
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1 Octubre 2013 Claudia Sowell,
Who I am Use of CTB
Driector of a free medical clinic for the working person and their families who have no medical insurance and meet 185% and below the Kentucky poverty level.
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1 Octubre 2013 mary mays,
Who I am Use of CTB
Health care administrator in diabetes. Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Sharon Davids,
Who I am Use of CTB
A coordinator of a parish nurse network in cooperation with a hospital. Beginning to expand into health ministries to have a greater impact on our communities.
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1 Octubre 2013 Amy Steppe,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a community development coordinator for the Tennessee Department of Health, Northeast Tennessee Region. I heard about this website through a continuing education audiotape.
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1 Octubre 2013 Lynda Blades,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm the coordinator for the Montana Healthy Communities Initiative. Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Christine Nunn,
Who I am Use of CTB
Consultant - community development and planning Active
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1 Octubre 2013 Melvyn Evans,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a community development worker, working with canley and tile hill ( an area in coventry) area co-ordination helping residents to set up residents groups etc. I would love to hear from others who are doing simlar work.
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1 Octubre 2013 Scott Anglemyer,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work with the Community Services Block Grant, which funds a network of local community action agencies in Kansas. I am interested in developing social capital and civic values, particularly as these issues relate to poverty.
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1 Octubre 2013 Eyvonne Rogers, Ph.D., MPH ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work for a community planning and advocacy agency for substance abuse treatment and prevention programs.I publish a booklet and website of key indicators of substance abuse in Tarrant County, Texas. Web site address:
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1 Octubre 2013 Danielle Luttenberg ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm working with a year-old DC-based group, Jews United for Justice. Came to your website looking for info, materials, suggestions, inspiration. Thanks!
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1 Octubre 2013 Paul Weber ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Housing Officer at the City of Ottawa. Key areas of work are homelessness and rooming houses.
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1 Octubre 2013 roger musser ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a community resource development worker within a state agency and am intrested in earning more.
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1 Octubre 2013 Bonnie Weissman ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am very impressed with the wealth of information you have provided. The information was invaluable and I appreciate the time and effort you have taken to address the breath and depth of the topic. I have taken the opportunity to place it on my favorite list and intend to visit it often. I am a staff Physical Therapist for Kaiser Permanente, in Woodland Hills, California. I attended The Grantsmanship Workshop in June of 1995 and I am continuing my education at California State University Northridge as a Master's Degree Candidate in Public Health. I am an advisory board chair for The Valley Trauma Center, an organization that works with Women and Children who have been sexually assaualted. I also serve on a task force for The Southern California Stroke Association and the advisory board for The Child Guidance Clinic, in the San Fernando Valley. I have one request. I would like to be on your mailing list for future foundation mailings. I would also like to request a copy of your foundation book that Mr. 0rrin Ted Hardgrove referred to at The Grantsmanship Center Alummi Luncheon, in Los Angeles. Thank you for the wonderful technical support and information. My address is 11934 Rexbon Road, Granada Hills, California 91344.
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Len Stewart ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Barnstable County, MA (Cape Cod) Department of Human Services, with priorities of increasing access to health care for all our residents (38,000 without health insurance).
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1 Octubre 2013 Catherine McConkey ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work as an external evaluator for several Family Connection communities in GA.
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1 Octubre 2013 Beth DeRicco, Ph.D. ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work with all of the colleges and univeristies in CT doing alcohol, other drug, and violence prevention through capacity building trainings, technical assitance and consultation.
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1 Octubre 2013 Yvette Benjamin ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a physician assistant, and an advocate for health care for the poor and underserved.
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1 Octubre 2013 Barb Coy,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am beginning a community assessment for this county and have come to this site for HELP!
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1 Octubre 2013 Diana Salvador ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am currently seeking my Psy.D. in school psychology at the Rutgers Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology. I am interested in school/community prevention and intervention efforts.
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1 Octubre 2013 Kimberly Kelker,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a health educator with the Minnesota Department of Health and work with a couple of community coalitions to address diabetes. I heard about your website from Brick Lancaster. What a helpful site!
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1 Octubre 2013 Susan Williams ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am always looking for funding opportunities for low-income families who are residents of public housing or housing assistance clients.
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1 Octubre 2013 Diane Lawe ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I learned of your website at a conference. I worked in prevention for 13 years in Illinois and just recently began a new posotion in New Mexico. I've been out of the "Prevention Loop" for 2 years so I wanted to check in and see what was happening.
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Benoit Thomas ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Community Services Officer at the Kapuskasing O.P.P. Detachment. To find Kapuskasing on the Ontario map, you have to flip it over. Its on the other side.
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1 Octubre 2013 Tammy Matthews ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am employed by the City of Hampton in the Neighborhood Office. I am currently working a partnership between the City and the Hampton Public School System. We are calling this In-SYNC Partnership. We are involved in educational training, encouraging community members to become partners with the schools. As well as, city departments becoming partners too. We provide matching grants to qualifing neighborhoods who apply to conduct neighborhood improvements, this can be activities or an event...
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Randolph Devereaux ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Grad student at Univ of SC and Intern at CDC/DASH. What a wonderful site. I am sure I will be using this site extensively in preparing my thesis.
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1 Octubre 2013 Dr. Judith Whiting-Fickling ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am with the Institute for Families in Society and work with community-based groups to provide opportunities for families to build and enhance their strengths.
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1 Octubre 2013 Liatris Studer ,
Who I am Use of CTB
MPH Student. Kansas HIV/AIDS Prevention Community Planning Group Member.
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1 Octubre 2013 annette murch ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Chief of Strategic planning and policy. Ohio Dept. Human Services, Prevention Bureau Your work is excellent. I use it extensively with and for our community partners.
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1 Octubre 2013 Lauren Corliss ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a community health educator in New Hampshire
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1 Octubre 2013 Jack Dennis ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Special Projects Manager at rural hospital. Community involvement: Local Habitat for Humanity - V.P. Local Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Agency - Pres. Local United Way - V.P Local County Government - Consultant
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1 Octubre 2013 Jerry Wagner ,
Who I am Use of CTB
President, Phelps County Habitat for Humanity in Rolla, MO
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1 Octubre 2013 Jack Dennis ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Special Projects Manager at rural hospital. Community involvement: Local Habitat for Humanity - V.P. Local Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Agency - Pres. Local United Way - V.P Local County Government - Consultant
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Joao Paulo Amaro ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hello! i'm a clinical psychologist with a post-graduation in community mental health and interested in empowerment, participation and community leadership. i live in Lisbon, Portugal and work in ISPA (see Thank you for your site it's help me in my work. in Portugal we have very few instruments of research and evaluation in community psychology.
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1 Octubre 2013 Leona Whitman Waser ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am interested in community development programs
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1 Octubre 2013 Wendy Harris ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hi. I am interested and working in the area of community building based on the reources and capacities that exist within the community. I'm perplexed about how to conduct my work in the suburbs, any help would be appreciated. thanks
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1 Octubre 2013 Lori A. Wrzesinski, M.A. ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am Director of Youth Services for Downers Grove Township. We provide prevention services to 9 villages within the township. These services include but aren't limited to: parenting, life skills in the middle/jr. high schools, conflict resolution programs to elementary age children, various strategies that target substance abuse and violence, two first offender programs, and an anger management group for youth age 12 to 17 and their parents. I have been in the field of prevention for 8 years and started out as a counselor with a private psychiatric group.
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1 Octubre 2013 Mary Roach ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a pharmacy doctor and I have implemented an innovative program in the the community entitiled, "Giving Tylenol (acetaminophen) Products to Infants and Children." It has helped a great deal of people and I am attempted to continue this program across the country. The program has won grant support from the Center for Proper Medication Use.
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1 Octubre 2013 Steve Lyons ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a social worker who is engaged in a needs assessment for McLean County (Illinois). I work for the Applied Social Research Unit, which is part of the College of Arts and Sciences at Illinois State University.
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1 Octubre 2013 Leon Churchill ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I've been town manager of Windsor, CT since January 1, 1999. I'm looking for ideas and the leadership to develop and implement a Healthy Communities Initiative, particularly as it relates to family support network.
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1 Octubre 2013 Monte Roulier ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Currently serving as the Dialogue Coach for the Coalition for Healthier Cities and Communities' Heathy Communities Agenda Campaign. What and extraordinary resource you have here!
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1 Octubre 2013 David Bigelow ,
Who I am Use of CTB
CEO at North Lincoln Hospital, Lincoln City, Oregon
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1 Octubre 2013 Catherine Lamb ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Rural Community Health Center Locations in Temperance and Carleton, Michigan
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1 Octubre 2013 Cindy Mason ,
Who I am Use of CTB
work in community based health promotion program, focusing on physical activity, cardiovascular health; advocate for walkable communities; facilitate local fitness council
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1 Octubre 2013 Ruth Ehresman ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Director for Program at Citizens for Missouri's Children. In my non-professional life I am an activist with a church-based community organization in my neighborhood.
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1 Octubre 2013 Maria Limon ,
Who I am Use of CTB
diabetes awareness and education with migrant workers
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1 Octubre 2013 Cristy Freed ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a social work student at Mount Vernon Nazarene College in Mount Vernon, Ohio
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1 Octubre 2013 marylou alvarez ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Health educator working on diabetes prevention
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1 Octubre 2013 Pete Hoffman ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work with a network of diabetes community based programs in Texas
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1 Octubre 2013 Richard Stein ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a dentist who is part of a group called the Short Grass Prairie Trail inc. which is attempting to develop a hiking-biking trail in southwest Kansas. We live in a community which has a shrinking population and which is consequently losing businesses. We don't seem to have much opposition to the trail at this point but are having difficulty finding ways to get it going.
