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Guestbook Entries

The Community Tool Box team greatly appreciates your visit to our site and we'd love to hear from you, and learn more about you and how you are using the resources on the site to support your community work. We encourage you to browse guestbook entries from visitors to our site and while you’re here, encourage you to subscribe to our eNewsletter to keep in touch and learn about new resources as they become available.

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1 Octubre 2013 susan mickelson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
am doing work in a volunteer program and would like to start some mor e programs to help our familys in need am a mother with 11 children of my own and truely have a heart for people and special the ones who need a helping hand
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1 Octubre 2013 Gregory Batt ,
Who I am Use of CTB
In the research phase of creating a Community Incubation Centre. The intent is not to focus on a single industry or business sector, but to create or use models that assist with the renewal and reinvention of the community as a whole - build a structure or an enabling process that permits members of the community to use their collective community intelligence - any references you can send along on this topic of community incubation or similar models will be very helpful cheers
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1 Octubre 2013 Max Wilson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Executive Director, Shawnee Regional Prevention and Recovery Services, Topeka, KS
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1 Octubre 2013 Cynthia Sosnowski ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the director of Cape May County Healthy Community Coalition Blueprints 2000 project. We are a federally funded county wide prevention initiative. Our mission is to provide whatever resources are needed to help current prevention projects in our county do their work better.
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1 Octubre 2013 Thamar Figueroa ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am social worker that has been working for a Salvadoran not for profit organization (FUSAL)in the areas of community development, specially in the areas of rural health, nutrition and sanitation.
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1 Octubre 2013 Eavens Matlapeng ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a student in Dalhousie University working on a Resource guide about Teenage pregnancy and community development. I found your website very resourceful. Origional I am from Botswana in Southern Africa. I am in Canada for education
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1 Octubre 2013 Virginia Martinez ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Staff member of International Center for Health Leadership Development (Kellogg Foundation funded) at University of Illinois at Chicago.
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1 Octubre 2013 Lori-Anne Russo ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I would like to get involved in a discussion group. Can you tell me how?
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1 Octubre 2013 parivash salehpour ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Iam graduate student of family study and psychology and mother of three children.I am physically disable to work and because of that I came back to school to become graduate student and be able to work in other field which don't need to use my physicall body . I am very intersting community problem speacially problemes who effect family and their relationship with community and how much community paly roles in each individual life.exp law sociaty TV radio news paper and ext.I like to finsh my study and be helpful to others as much as i can and i think i can get some in this calls thak you good lock to you and to me
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1 Octubre 2013 Teguh Paripurno ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work for community based disaster management in KAPPALA Foundation. Can you help me to collect the PRA method tools / books.
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1 Octubre 2013 kellie Givens ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I will be graduating in December 1999 with a B.S. degree in Public Health from East Tennessee State University. (concentration-Community Health minor-Marketing)
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1 Octubre 2013 Shari Starr ,
Who I am Use of CTB
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1 Octubre 2013 Robert Hall ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Vicechair NB Southeast Economic Commission and mayor of a small village
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1 Octubre 2013 Shari Starr ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Ilive At 38545 35th st East Palmdale Ca 93550 Iam 37 yrs old B.D 01/19/1962 My Son George Shane Starr was bourn 10/28 /1981
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1 Octubre 2013 Dot Payne ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a graduate student in Health Education at Baylor
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1 Octubre 2013 sarah procter ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hi . I am working in Bradford ,West Yorkshire U.K. on building community capacity through training to increase health and quality of life. I am particularly interested in training community activists to participate in decision making in health . Any thoughts?
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1 Octubre 2013 Lisa Schwartz ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Coordinator of Professional Education at Planned Parenthood of East Central Illinois. I just finished my MSPH degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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1 Octubre 2013 Heather Keefer ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I teach preschool in an early intervention program and am interested in volunteering my time outside of my work with young children.
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1 Octubre 2013 Jim Dale ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Hi to Vince Just visiting to see what new has been added. Am working a project and have listed the Toolbox as a reference for Community Initiatives.
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1 Octubre 2013 Brian Byrd ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Founder and Executive Director of an employment service for individuals with severe disabilities. Our agency and staff is committed to promoting the welfare and independence of the individuals we serve through employment. Our agency was founded in 1994 as a 501(c)3 organization and began with a committment to colloborate with all agecnies in the health care and human services fields,ie. state, local,federal,and other non-profits, to bridge the gap between the individuals and the services they are provided. By using the founding values of inclusion and independence, we hope to assist individuals to help themselves and become productive members of our society. By doing so, we feel that we are adding to the continuum of care within the healthcare systems and assisting agencies, public and private, to work together.
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1 Octubre 2013 JoAnn Hudson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a member of the Oregon Team. We were at the TPForum in Phoenix. I am very impressed with your website and hope this is just the 1st of many visits for myself and members of my Team. I will be introducting them to what can be found via the network at our next meeting in March.
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1 Octubre 2013 Nan Hawthorne ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Very happy to exchange the links you requested in Resources for Volunteer Programs web site at Excellent job on this site.
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1 Octubre 2013 EDITH KNOX ,
Who I am Use of CTB
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1 Octubre 2013 Michele Strasz ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Publisher of Internet magazine for child advocates in Michigan ( We will share this with our readers.
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1 Octubre 2013 David Mackie ,
Who I am Use of CTB
This is an exciting site and we would like to correspond on this topic. I am an Education Officer with Dumfries & Galloway Education Department and I work with schools on Health Promotion.
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1 Octubre 2013 Deanne Boisvert ,
Who I am Use of CTB
public health educator developing a program to train paraprofessional health promoters to work in the remote communities of Alaska
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1 Octubre 2013 Barry Kaplan ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am coordinator of a leadership development program for population and international health professionals. I will be looking for "tools" that could be used by our people in Africa, South America & Asia.
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1 Octubre 2013 neal adams ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Office of Minority Health works with community based organizations, state and local government and individuals interested in improving the health of communities of color.
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1 Octubre 2013 Marianne Simancek ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Co-chair for a regional community assessment coalition in western Wayne County, Michigan; have been doing this for about 2 years. Like the opportunity to network and find resources. Thank you!
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1 Octubre 2013 Deb McLachlin ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I was looking for info on the logic model. I am generally looking for an evaluation tool to measure outcome of a leadership training program that I am developing. This program will involve brain injured persons who are support group leaders. (London, Ontario)
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1 Octubre 2013 Judy Ruffin ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Network Manager for Healthy Start Baby Love Plus Program housed within NC Department of Health and Human Services, Women's and Children's Health Branch
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1 Octubre 2013 Alvin Rose ,
Who I am Use of CTB
United Methodist Clergy disabled(Muscular Dystrophy). Co-Director Healthy Options for Planeview. Volunteer Community Advocate. Member Planeview United Neighborhood Assn. Treasurer-Wichita Planeview Lions Club. Netsurfer 20+ hrs wk)and Internet researcher.
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1 Octubre 2013 Linda Manning ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a health promotion officer with a community remit. At the moment the main focus of my work is around the new Primary Care Groups (PCGs) I am trying to encourage them to do needs assessment using CD principles, also supportiing community development generally.
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1 Octubre 2013 Bobby Roach ,
Who I am Use of CTB
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1 Octubre 2013 Jamie Tarbet ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Looking for resources.................... Part of Phase II Sexual Risk Reduction Initiative. :)
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1 Octubre 2013 Joanne Lappin-Parker ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Coordinator for a School Health Coalition, known as the School Health Initiative for Education (SHINE). SHINE represents seven cities/school districts in Southeastern Virginia, known collectively as Hampton Roads. I am interested in learning more about coalition development. I am also interested in finding information about other local or regional school health coalitions that exist.
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1 Octubre 2013 Rima Nakkash ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am working on a community-based intervention for cardiovascular disease prevention.
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1 Octubre 2013 Pequitta Raymond ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Program Coordinator for the City of New Orleans Health Department Healthy Commuity Church Based Program.
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1 Octubre 2013 karen smith ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm teaching a Community Advocacy course in Okinawa, Japan and love your resources.
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1 Octubre 2013 sandra jones ,
Who I am Use of CTB
A RN at the Texas Department of Health Region 8 in San Antonio. Presently working on the development of a tool box for local health providers.
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1 Octubre 2013 Romaine Edwards ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I run a community mobilization program in Richmond,Virginia. My mission is to reduce crime through neighborhood revitalization.
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1 Octubre 2013 Bobby Milstein ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am an anthropologist working at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I coordinate evaluation activities across a range of program areas.
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1 Octubre 2013 Dawn McKinley ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Health Educator for the Urban League of Greater Hartford's Sistahs Helpin' Sistahs, an HIV Prevention Program in Hartford, CT.
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1 Octubre 2013 Darci Bergum ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a social work major at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN, and we are currently studying community development and asset building in communities. I am writing a paper on asset- building, and found your site as I was searching the web. I am interested in projects that are going on in the United States, and basically any information you could pass on about community development with an asset base focus. Thanks!
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1 Octubre 2013 Mario Reyes ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a public health professional employed with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. I am interested in preserving the public safety net and other safety net and traditional providers, particularly in light of the nationwide movement toward Medicaid managed care.
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1 Octubre 2013 J'Vonnah Griffith ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Program coordinator for Witnessing in the Heartland Breast and Cervical Cancer Education Plan on entering MPH program in Summer of 99
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1 Octubre 2013 Max Llewelyn ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Community Liaison Manager for district local government working with community groups on all aspects including funding,coalition building, team building etc
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1 Octubre 2013 Lea McCloud ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Executive Director of Kansas Region office of NCCJ (in Wichita, KS) - the National Conference for Community and Justice, a non-profit human relations organizations established in 1927 as the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Our mission is to fight bias, bigotry and racism, and do that mainly through educational programs in the schools and diversity training in workplaces. I have learned about the tool box, as a result of our recent work with a new local coalition-- COPE the Consortium on Parenting Education, that recently received grant funds from ADAS through the SICA funds. Met Paul Evanson at training --he's a fantastic facilitator! Additional info about NCCJ can be found at the website.
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1 Octubre 2013 Barb Robinson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
As Director of Planning and Development at Community Health Care, Inc. in Davenport, Iowa, I have been looking for strategic planning tools; and I'm always looking for grant opportunities. I look forward to exploring your site.
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1 Octubre 2013 Steve Balcanoff ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Work on community projects at CT Children's Medical Center in Hartford. Work as a programmer, facilitator,collaborator, convener,...
