Guestbook entries

First Name: Bruce
Last Name: Shaver
City/Town: CHICAGO
State/Province: ILLINOIS
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am starting a new role as the Volunteer Coordinator and was looking for good resource material
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Ran across your site and love the information. I am preparing our plan and will be incorporating some of your information in the development.

thank you so much
First Name: Donna
Last Name: Hudgins
City/Town: Lake City
State/Province: Colorado
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Prevention Coordinator for local community prevention coalition
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Help writing strategic plan - joining organization when they are half way through the process. Need to catch up.
First Name: Seema
Last Name: Zaman
City/Town: Karachi
State/Province: Sindh
Country: Pakistan
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:

I am a person with a will to improve the quality of life for people who have been left out from the mainstream progress of a region.

While I was searching for an idea I came across your website and started skimming through it, I could not leave the site without leaving a note of appreciation. Wonderful structured work, an excellent resource for just anyone wanting to bring about a positive change within a community.

I wish you all the best and my God bless you for your efforts.


How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Just found it on the internet, not started using it yet. But certainly I will see if and how can I adopt the same for my own society. I am amazed and happy that such good work has been done and is available for general awareness.

Keep up the good work!
First Name: M. Sahr
Last Name: Nouwah
City/Town: Monrovia
State/Province: Montserrado
Country: Liberia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an International Executive Certificate holder in Project Management with passion and motivation in Development and Humanitarian work with more than Eight (8) years of working experience. My ambition is to see an improved civil society space through a holistic community development approach especially for Children, Youth, and Women. To create an environment where civil rights are protected and citizens benefiting from Natural Resources and democratic processes through inclusive participation in an improved democratic and civic spaces with an emphasis on Education, gender & development, empowerment, and social development. I am committed to systems that create proper management, Funding Raising and Grants Management, team building, and quality reporting. I believe in open linkages among stakeholders for sustainable development through trust, commitment, faith, integrity, honesty, and transparency.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Presently, I only read through and gaining some understanding of all the topics. In the near future, I want to start using more of its contents for training and support to Liberian CSOs.
First Name: Hans
Last Name: Mincer
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a fitness instructor and I also have interest on researching alternative medicine.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am new to Tool Box, still learning the ropes but I hope to derive immense value from it.
First Name: Pat
Last Name: Senecal
City/Town: Durango
State/Province: CO
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Director of 25 year old coalition with the purpose of mobilizing the entire community to create and implement local prevention solutions.I have been working with youth over 40 years and with community change processes for 19 years.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We will be customizing it to help us track processes devoted to reaching our goals around a Persistent Drunk Driving grant serving 4 counties.
First Name: Tobias
Last Name: Shotley
City/Town: Crosby
State/Province: MN
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I like to consider myself and with the Great Spirits help, independent motivated. I am dillegently exploring new ideas for maintaining a consistent revenue and at the same time transition smoothly in to retirement.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I found myself at a stuck point while building a presentation concerning cultural awareness within a working environment and after simply browsing through your site (Community tool box) I was quickly reminded about flow and the importance of gathering Data.
I got the data I needed and formulated a evenly flowing PowerPoint presentation with some calmness of Spirit.
I am grateful for what CTC has extended to me and yes I got a handsome compensation but please know that I respect tithing/donations and the like and you can trust I will express my gratitude in a timely manner.
First Name: Joe
Last Name: Claspell
City/Town: Denver
State/Province: CO
Country: U.S.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a graduate student at the University of Colorado in my capstone semester
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am conducting research on how to bring communities together to address bullying and teen dating violence. This website has given me a totally new outlook on my project and I am thrilled to have found it!
First Name: Tina
Last Name: Hall-Sibert
City/Town: Hinesville
State/Province: Georgia
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Student SNHU!
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
This website was part of an online lecture.
First Name: Ahmed
Last Name: Mohammed
City/Town: Abuja
State/Province: Bauchi
Country: Nigeria
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I lead a non-profit organization that is focused on youth leadership development in Nigeria.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I've been training volunteers for a long time but there is always something new to learn and the Community Tool Box is an excellent resource. it deals with complex issues in a clear and concise way rather than resorting to the lowest common denominator. Thanks to your Team of experts
First Name: Laurie
Last Name: Mahoney
City/Town: Dunedin
Country: New Zealand
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a lecturer in the School of Nursing at Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand. I coordinate the BN 3rd year primary health care nursing course, and the clinical placement for all nursing students for this paper is working with identified communities to identify vulnerable groups and health issues related to them. For this students complete a community scan by using the Community as Partner (Anderson & Mcfarlane; Battye, 2006) framework, consult with key stakeholders/partners for the vulnerable group (often migrants, youth, rural health or ethnic minorities e.g. Maori) in the community. Health needs (e.g. mental health, poor access to health care, sexual health etc.) are identified and resources are developed e.g. websites, pamphlets, submissions etc.
I came across your site while researching resources the students could use, and can see the application of this in our programme.
I am writing to gain permission to share the Tool Box with the students. I see this as an adjunct or addition to my teaching and support for students learning.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Not currently using it, but see the benefits of using aspects of the Tool Box. The students are undergraduate and have only 4 weeks to complete their placement.
First Name: Abby
Last Name: Stephenson
City/Town: Topeka
State/Province: KS
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm currently an undergrad studying at Washburn University for my BAS with emphasis in Addictions Counseling.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I'm taking a course called Prevention and Social Change and a homework assignment is to navigate the site. I'm excited to learn more about how this resource can help me in the field.
First Name: Mary
Last Name: Dominguez-Santini
City/Town: Grand Prairie
State/Province: Texas
Country: Us
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Radio host and event planner
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
To help me familiarize with building a workshop for public presentation
First Name: Brenda
Last Name: Almaida
City/Town: Labo
State/Province: Camarines Norte
Country: Philippines
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a staff of the Vice President for Research and Extension and our major concern is to bring development in the community by research-based training and seminars.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just search this website today, so my plan for using the Community Tool Box to support my work by exploring your different articles to strengthen the procedure on how we're conducting the various services for the community.
First Name: MARTHA
State/Province: California
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My name is Martha Rodriguez, and I am an Associate Social Service Director with Better Tomorrows.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just recently discovered the community tool box and am still exploring the many options available to me. I can say that I will be using this valuable resource frequently.
First Name: Steve
Last Name: Jones
City/Town: Springboro
State/Province: Ohio
Country: US
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
PhD student and Research Associate at Oxford Brookes. I am looking to join a community that has a profound interest in education.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
PhD student and Research Associate at Oxford Brookes. I am looking to join a community that has a profound interest in education.
First Name: Priscilla
Last Name: joseph
City/Town: Black bay high Road
State/Province: Vieux Fort
Country: St Lucia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
i am a psychotherapist working with youths in St Lucia , i give one to one counselling and at this moment i am trying to build up a mentoring services
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
creating a youth counselling services
First Name: Suzanne
Last Name: Simons
City/Town: Thibodaux
State/Province: LA
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a new officer looking for some excellent leadership skills.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Developing my skills as a leader.
First Name: Karen
Last Name: Ethredge
City/Town: Lawrenceville
State/Province: GA
Country: Gwinnett
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am working on my Capstone project and I came across your organization. I loved the information within the site.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Ferrari
City/Town: Manheim
State/Province: PA
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My wife, Susan, and I are entrepreneurs with the goal of helping people of all backgrounds and levels of education activate their creative potential. Creativity is not only for the eccentric elite - its for everyone. We use scientific data and anecdotal corroboration to build fun, engaging presentations and programs to help individuals and organizations realize the amazing powers of creativity within.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
CTB's information on Logic Modeling has been particularly helpful in educating teams on the foundations of creative output and creative process. We are looking forward to accessing your library of helpful information in the immediate and long term future. I am also curious about partnership opportunities, or official Community Toolbox Certifications - is this something that is available for private firms to pursue?
First Name: Abdul Basir
Last Name: Faizi
City/Town: Kabul
State/Province: Kabul
Country: Afghanistan
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Afghan Civil Society and Human Rights activist, currently working as Manager of Policy and Advocacy for Counterpart Intentional.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I use the Community Tool Boox improve the knowledge of civil society activists on issues related to advocacy such as coalition building.

I am thankful of Community Tool Box for the support they provide to civil society activists.

In solidarity,
First Name: David
Last Name: Diwan-Masih
City/Town: Lahore
State/Province: Punjab
Country: Pakistan
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Christian worker engaged in various things, publishing, training, community organizing etc. I am from Lahore, Pakistan, as you can note from my contact information above. I am working for the emancipation of bonded labour in Pakistan and numerous things. I am now the General Manager of a Christian publishing house and Executive Director of Christian Foundation that is doing various activities.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I came across Community Tool Box quite some while ago and now I have come across it once again. I have not read every bit of it but have browsed the table of contents and see that most of the stuff, almost all of it, can be used for my purposes, I am working to bring about alliance of small Churches that are not part of big denominations. I am also working for the bonded labour working at the brick kilns and agriculture farms. And there are other things also. I was looking for some ready made stuff that, with, may be, some modification, can be used.
I am writing to to express my gratification for this great work of yours. I have subscribed to ctb eNewsletter and look forwarded to benefiting from it. I will share any good stories that will emerge.
First Name: TIANA
City/Town: Tasikmalaya
State/Province: West Java
Country: Indonesia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a mother, a housewife, and freelancer. I am interested in health issues, especially maternal and child health, and I am also very interested in the media. I have been in the HIV AIDS campaign for quite a while and have experienced many challenges.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just got to know this tool recently. I want to use it in media advocacy training for health activists in my city
First Name: Karen
Last Name: Cahn
City/Town: Long Island City
State/Province: New York
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a supervising attorney at a non-profit law firm struggling for financial sustainability where the mission of the project seems to becoming secondary to "making money" due to new direction of recent management.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Looking at your site to get creative ideas in funding and information about balancing mission with sustainability. Learning a lot and becoming inspired.
Thank you.
First Name: Vanessa
Last Name: Gómez Carranza
City/Town: Heredia
State/Province: Heredia
Country: Costa Rica
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the HR Project Coordinator at Align Technology and have experience in facilitating workshops.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We are going to launch a leadership program at work and would like to make use of the developing facilitation skills and Techniques For Leading Group Discussions material. We are writing to request permission to use and adapt the material to fit our purposes and branding. We will make sure to refer to the appropriate copyright language, as per your indications. Kindly let us know whether we can proceed.
First Name: Larry
Last Name: Stewart
City/Town: North Bay
State/Province: Ontario
Country: Canada
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
We are non-profit college offering online and campus programs.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Instructors and students will utilize tool box.
First Name: Stephanie
Last Name: Quattrini
City/Town: Canberra
State/Province: ACT
Country: Australia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the Compeer Officer for ACT (Australian Capital Territory). I match trained volunteers with people living with mental health issues, as part of a friendship programme.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I've been training volunteers for a long time but there is always something new to learn and the Community Tool Box is an excellent resource. it deals with complex issues in a clear and concise way rather than resorting to the lowest common denominator. Hope that makes sense...,.
First Name: peris
Last Name: Nyambura
City/Town: Nairobi
State/Province: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am Founder and CEO for world Radiance International, I join community tool box so that I am empowering towards the achievement of our objectives especially through our approach of community leadership dialogue purposed to create peace and coexistence through unity in diversity.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Training and Advocation for heathy communities in our citizen network forum.
First Name: Benjamin
Last Name: Huynh
City/Town: Gilbert
State/Province: AZ
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Pastor, Church Planting
Doctoral student at GCU, Organization Leadership
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Andrea
Last Name: Cobb
City/Town: Vancouver
State/Province: WA
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a 36 year old human female who is ready for human kind to stand for a just world free of government, money, corruption, corporations, and evil in general.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I'd like to start a boycott of money and banks to end the use of the monetary enslavement of the human race. We have the technology and resources to grow as a society without money and corruption. This may also include a boycott of gas, jobs, shopping, and television. Billionaires and corporations rule this world and it's gone on for far too long. People are starving, they're homeless, they die from poisoning of waters and air and lack of healthcare. We need to stand together and resist our governments that put us in this position.
First Name: David
Last Name: Akintoye
City/Town: Ibadan
State/Province: State
Country: Nigeria
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Just finished my first degree. Looking for means to expands my knowledge and use my skills to develop myself and my country.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Want to have a wide knowledge and use this platform
First Name: Angela
Last Name: Chorusch
City/Town: Woodrising
State/Province: NSW
Country: Australia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a disability coordinator and run an asd social and educational group. I am also thw mother og 2 special needs boys
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I would like to fill the void
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Asip
City/Town: Staunton
State/Province: VA
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a member of the Board of Visitors of the Virginia School for Deaf and Blind. We are exploring how to develop a Strategic Plan for the school, and I am leading a subcommittee of the Board to assist in undertaking this activity.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I have just explored it, but the information about strategic planning will help our committee determine next steps, with a clear overview of processes and products needed for development of a strategic plan.
First Name: Rory
Last Name: Doss
City/Town: Buda
State/Province: TX
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Rory is currently working as a Paramedic at Pecos County EMS. Through hard work and determination, he has also been awarded positions as Captain, Training Officer, and Grant Officer. With these positions, Rory is collaborating with others in the company to progress their standards of care, protocols and quality of care. Rory is working to bring in grant monies to provide much needed, lifesaving training and equipment.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Heard about this site in a grant writing class. Trying to develop collaborative opportunities or resources for funding, for much needed life saving equipment and training.
First Name: Sharan
Last Name: Naicker
City/Town: Lenasia South
State/Province: Johannesburg
Country: South Africa
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an unemployed 50 year old female who's trying to find ways and means of starting an organization for children to occupy themselves with activities after school and weekends.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I stumbled upon your organization and noticed that your expertise in this area is extensive and therefore will be able to assist me in helping our children stay away from drugs.
First Name: Judith
Last Name: Baillie
City/Town: Pueblo
State/Province: CO
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a retired school administrator, community volunteer, and active in the social justice and progressive Christianity work of our community.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am using Community Toolbox as a guide in helping our local OutFront organization get organized, determine needs, and secure funding for training and projects.
First Name: Felix
Last Name: Cortes
City/Town: Merida yucatan
State/Province: Yucatan
Country: México
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm architecture student and actually , I'm designing a social program to help people in my country.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I'm connecting people with my same interests
First Name: felix
Last Name: cortes
City/Town: merida yucatan
State/Province: Yucatan
Country: México
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm architecture student and actually , I', designing a social program to help people in my country.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I'm connecting people with my same interests
First Name: Rufaro
Last Name: Mudimu
City/Town: Johannesburg
State/Province: Gauteng
Country: South Africa
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I lead a non-profit organisation that is focused on youth leadership development in South Africa.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The Toolbox has been very insightful in terms of research and getting insights on key concepts around leadership, informing development of content in our programs and in our facilitation practice.
First Name: Jaye
Last Name:
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a student and this has been one of the best (if not the best) websites I have been required to use. Now it has turned into a resource that I can't do without.

Thank you.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Danius
Last Name: Williams
City/Town: Columbus
State/Province: Ohio
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I would love to share that after a fast paced year of our organization making a splash in our city, we have realized that we have had a lot of missing gaps. Finding your website/resources has been a God send! In fact, we would love to chat with you and see if you would be open to us sharing about your services and making it one of our recommended resources to our community network.

We would love to chat and share more about how much this has been such a cool resource! Thank you to all who have gone through the work to make this available!

Danius Williams, CEO
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
This tool box is helping us look at how to restructure and building a framework for longterm sustainability.
First Name: subin
Last Name: raj
City/Town: St.Louis
State/Province: MISSOURI
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a PhD student at Concordia Seminary in St.Louis. I am from India and was working among the group called Dalits previously know as untouchables. I recently found this tool and it is really awesome. I feel it really showed me how to work for the community in an organized and systematic way.I am looking forward to use it in my community setting.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The Dalit community's biggest challenges are poverty, malnutrition and excessive drinking habit. So I am planning to share it with my colleagues back in India and use it to help the community.
First Name: Dawn
Last Name: Adams
City/Town: Germantown
State/Province: MD
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Program manager
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Seeking strategies for team building and program development
First Name: Mohamud
Last Name: Sigad
City/Town: Garowe
State/Province: Puntland
Country: Somali
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I want to use the toolbox the right way by using it in the development of Health services
First Name: Anna
Last Name: Wagner
City/Town: Winnetka
State/Province: CA
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I've worked in the environmental movement since 2002 for organizations like Green Corps, Sierra Club, and Greenpeace. I'm also a KU alum - so was delighted to stumble upon this resource.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
A big part of my work is teaching grassroots organizing skills. I happened to be looking for a training on how to organize a press conference and stumbled across this site. It's a treasure trove of resources on community organizing and community building. Excited to see that my alma mater is hosting such a cool site! Keep up the good work!
First Name: Anna
Last Name: Wagner
City/Town: Winnetka
State/Province: CA
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I've worked in the environmental movement since 2002 for organizations like Green Corps, Sierra Club, and Greenpeace. I'm also a KU alum - so was delighted to stumble upon this resource.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
A big part of my work is teaching grassroots organizing skills. I happened to be looking for a training on how to organize a press conference and stumbled across this site. It's a treasure trove of resources on community organizing and community building. Excited to see that my alma mater is hosting such a cool site! Keep up the good work!
First Name: edith
Last Name: babaran
City/Town: tuguegarao city
State/Province: cagayan
Country: philippines
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
i am an engineer and i am the head of office
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
leading people
First Name: Sunitha
Last Name: Jasti
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a professor teaching community nutrition to graduate students.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Thank you for the wonderful resource. I am looking for resources that my students can use for their projects and I will include this in my list.
First Name: Alice
Last Name: Roseboro
City/Town: Winston Salem
State/Province: NC
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Founder / President
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Researching all sections expect 7 .
First Name: Rebecca
Last Name: Ware
City/Town: Page
State/Province: AZ
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
What a great tool. I would like to share this with the community, province, and nation of Papua New Guinea that I will be working with in the very near future. I would like to post this on our non-profit website so that all community members will have access.