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Question: i work for a project that focuses on maternal, newborn and child health. the project ends in dec 2014, i would like to seek advice on how i can write a proposal for scaling up the project to other areas that were not included in the initial phase. what resources are there on this website that can help me to achieve this goal

HI Wandisanga, and thanks for contacting CTB.

Please click on our "Learn a Skill" graphic and then on "Table of Contents."  Go to Chapter 43 for information on grant writing.  In addition, see chapters 45 and 46, plus the Related Toolkit 16: Sustaining the Work or Initiative

Your dilemma appears to arise in part from "waiting until the last minute" to consider how the project might be scaled up and to do the necessary needs assessment and planning - not an uncommon dilemma.  CTB encourages all to begin planning about how to sustain their initiative while they are planning the initiative itself.  Being able to describe to the initial grant source how the project might be scaled up or spun off adds credibility to the initial grant request and also prepares the grantor for possible later requests.  

Also, I want to refer you to an article by Tom Wolff that addresses this dilemma very well:  While you are there, you might want to peruse other archives within his site.

Question Date: Wed, 08/27/2014