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I am a retired public health nurse pursuing a PhD in public health; planning to survey an organizing community service organization and interview key informants. The purpose is to identify possible problems in team collaboration and possible remedial actions of the organization. I am seeking recommendations and prior knowledge of such an undertaking. Thank you.
This is some important work! It sounds like you need to start with an organizational assessment. A good place to start is with Chapter 3 of the toolbox: Assessing community needs and resources: /en/tablecontents/chapter_1003.aspx Although these pages are designed for a broader community assessment, with some modifications, you can use these pages to think about an organizational assessment. Depending on what issues arise, you might find these pages helpful when figuring out what to do: /en/solveproblem/index.aspx Good luck with this project!
Question Date:
Tue, 06/29/2010