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Question: I am a director in the Nova Scotia Rural Community Foundation and we are struggling with making a social media presence. We would like advice on how to strengthen this from some experts and thought you would be great to ask.

Great question! I'm no expert myself, but would suggest this section of the Community Toolbox (in Chapter 33) to help you think strategically about all the who, what, why, when, where, and how questions related to building an effective social media presence. Among the many things to think about -- what are the social media platforms that your audience uses? Emphasize the social part of social media -- don't think you're going to post some messages and the word will just get out -- you have to cultivate a following, so that you get word out to people and organizations that will re-post what you have to say and multiply your reach. That also means being willing to reciprocate. Just a couple of thoughts. Good luck!

Question Date: Fri, 03/05/2021