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Question: Are there recommendations on the best ways to connect with potential community partners or stakeholders for outreach activities? E-mail or phone call? I find it is difficult to reach individuals in large organizations or nonprofits at times.



Thanks for writing to us at the Community Tool Box. We’re not surprised that you sometimes have challenges in reaching people, and we’re confident in saying that you are not alone!    Many of us live in busy worlds, with much information continually surging by, and it’s hard for even the most dedicated people to pay full attention to everything that’s going on.     

How, then, can you best ensure that your own message gets through? We’re not aware of any definitive study on the best way to connect with community partners or stakeholders. But based on our own experience, we can offer several suggestions that might help shape your own strategy.

The best strategy will depend on the person and the organization you are trying to reach, and also upon the local culture of your community in general. For some it might be an e-mail, for others a text, for others still a phone call.  The general principle here is knowing your audience, and adjusting your efforts to suit. If you’re not sure, you might ask someone else in your target organization, or some similar organization, “What’s the best way of reaching X?”

Sometimes it takes more than one contact to get through. Repetition can help, and persistence and tenaciousness can be virtues, up until the point where you simply become annoying – and there can be a fine line here.  When you do repeat your message, though, you could also vary the form of contact.

As for your actual message, you want to keep it short and clear. And vivid – how can you make it stand out from other messages, in a positive way?  And to emphasize the benefits for the recipient as well: Why is it in their interest to participate in your outreach activities?  (And when they do participate, a short thank you – positive reinforcement – is almost always a good idea.)

We hope these suggestions may be useful to you. With experience, you will continue to learn more  about how to adapt these principles  and find what works best in your own community setting. We wish you much success as your work continues.

Question Date: Tue, 04/12/2022