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Question: I am interested in providing an assessment to the community for early educators, and daycare services.




            Do you mean that (1) early educators and daycare service providers would be conducting some form of assessment about the community, or (2) that you and/or others would be conducting an assessment on early education and daycare services? 

             We suspect the latter; but in either case, it should help you to be clear on several basic questions before you begin:  Who in fact wants the assessment? What are the purposes of the assessment? What outcomes you would like to see as a result of the assessment? What resources you have to carry it out?  More specifically, who else is available to help you design the specific content, layout, and sampling format for the assessment, and also to conduct it in practice and analyze the results?  Finally, what would you like to do with the results you find?

            Once these questions are clarified, you may benefit from reviewing further information on developing a needs assessment in the different sections in Chapter 3 of the Community Tool Box, on community needs and resources.  A good place to start would be Section 1 in in that chapter, on developing a plan for assessment.

            We hope these thoughts may be helpful to you.  All best wishes in carrying out a successful and meaningful assessment.

Question Date: Fri, 05/13/2022