فرم جستجو

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Question Core Competency تاریخ
I am having a terrible time with this paper. I have decided to support the Levy in my community that is needed for the fire department and EMS system because it is terribly understaffed, outdated equipment, etc. I am having a problem trying to figure out how to implement and evaluate my goal which is to educate the community on this need. My diagnosis is prevention/safety
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
ی., 02/28/2010
I am not good in coversation in English. Is there any book that you can recommend for me to read
Improving Organizational Management and Development ی., 02/28/2010
Hello I am a member of a small community group and we need to encourage members and get feedback about what the community wants...we have tried a questionnaire and got 22 out of a couple of thousand..any ideas?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
ی., 02/28/2010
I am seeking a little guidance regarding starting a youth program/ center in my community. I have found a lot of useful material on your site, but I am not clear 100% as to where I should start. This has been a dream of mine for many years, and now is the time in which my community needs it the most. As do I !
  • Building Leadership
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
س., 02/23/2010
The Tool Box available for purchase? Analyzing Problems and Goals چ., 02/17/2010
Hi I am a BSN nursing student doing a health fair project on stress management. We are required to go out into the community and get resourcess/information on ways to reduce stress and therefore decrease chances of illness. I was wondering if there any national resources that may be able to offer us help. Such as providing stress balls, etc? Thanks, Rebekka
Assessing Community Needs and Resources س., 02/16/2010
Dear Srs. I need to develope, a cuestionary, abot drug use and abuse, violence, and gangs. Its gona be employed in a pilot proyect for 24,000 public students, in El Salvador. It has to be short, but whitin that produce a deep impact. Where can I find this kind of info. Sincerily yours
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
جمعه, 02/12/2010
Hello my name is Resa Berger I live in Benton County Iowa. I am interested in Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence. I don't feel there's enough awareness in our community and school systems. I desire to be part of bringing this awareness to our community. I started in an abusive relationship at 16 years old. By the age 17 had 2 children. Then had 2 more children in the abusive relationship. Myself and my children have suffered and and have been scared from the trauma we experienced. I didn't know anyone cared and it was kept in silence. Ten years later I was able too Break the Silence. And I feel there isn't enough support. I also feel there isn't enough openness or interest from others on being educated on domestic violence and the effects it has on children. Therefore I desire to share my experience to raise awareness and continue to work with my community to ensure there is proper support systems. I am looking for the steps I need to take in getting started. Any information that you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time, Resa Berger (319)214-4145 or responded back by e-mail blondresa30@gmail.com
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Advocating for Change
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
د., 02/08/2010
What is the best program to be in for a community health bachelors degree? Does KU have a master's program in community health? If not, what program does KU recommend?
Assessing Community Needs and Resources چ., 02/03/2010
What should I have together before I present my idea to area churches to solicit them as a Fiscal Agent? Do I have to a sponsor agree to be a Fiscal Agent before I can apply for grants?
  • Writing a Grant Application for Funding
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
د., 02/01/2010
In developing individualized recreational surveys for people with intellectual disability, what are the necessary factors that may ensure that they participate in integrated activity in the community which can raise community awareness positively about them?
Analyzing Problems and Goals د., 02/01/2010
Hello, Thank you for the initiative and massive effort behind this excellent resource. I am presently part of a steering group setting up an Australia wide, not for profit corporation, linking many water advocacy groups around Australia. We want to convene 'real time' meetings - electronically. What would you advise is the best means of achieving this? I've bookmarked your site for on-going reference. Best regards,
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
چ., 01/27/2010
Are you aware of any readiness guides to help people just getting started?
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Developing an Intervention
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
د., 01/25/2010
I volunteered for 14 months as the Director of Volunteers for a virtual agency dealing with domestic violence. I left the organization recently by resignation citing breach of policies and other volunteers having their own personal and confidential items shared with me and others within the organization. Since I have resigned a meeting was held telling the volunteer advocates that I resigned because of a alchol abuse problem and for having a daughter who is in a rehab center for substance abuse... How do I make a report on the agency as I am not the first one this has happened too. Really not sure where to start...thanks for this tool box..
Improving Organizational Management and Development پ., 01/21/2010
I am wondering if there is a resource you know of that provides information about the kinds of employment available for someone with a MA in community psychology
Analyzing Problems and Goals پ., 01/21/2010
Good afternoon, I have taken over working with the Nevada Cancer Coalition after many problems: 1) The first manager did not care to work with the people, and it showed. She did very little to work with the Coalition. 2) The second manager was well liked, but she only was in the position for a few months and then moved on to a new job. 3) The total time that these two were in place was approximately 1.5 years. The Coalition -- which tries to cover southern Nevada, northern Nevada, and rural Nevada -- found that it was breaking apart. No-one seemed to care as to moving the Coalition forward, except for 2-3 people. 4) In the midst of all of this, the recession/depression took place. I am now finding that there are very few employers who have bought into the Coalition, nor do they care to at this point. Getting through this recession/depression is their top priority. In essence, I guess my question is this: in the midst of this horrible economy in which employers have trouble allowing their employees take extra time handling anything besides work, after trying to pull a Coalition together and people feeling that this is a failed enterprise, and with the vast area of Nevada --- what would be the best process in putting this Coalition together? Any insights? Thank you for any help you can provide!
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Developing Strategic and Action Plans
د., 01/04/2010
Is it possible for me to get a scholarship to persue a degree course in communityu health and development?. If yes! kindly forward to me some of the probable scholarship offers so that I can apply. Thank you in advance.
س., 12/29/2009
A non-profit is desirous of hiring the services of a good proposal writer. Can you assist.?
Writing a Grant Application for Funding ی., 11/22/2009
in dealing with community development, what are the implications approachs to the social care practitioner?
  • Analyzing Problems and Goals
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
ش., 11/21/2009
I work for an eye care organisation and am in the process of developing patient education material. As I look through this great website - rich in resources - I wonder if you could help me find methods to evaluate health education material.
Evaluating the Initiative چ., 11/11/2009
hello, I am a communicastions professional presnetly assigned to Zaria LGA in Kaduna state of Northern Nigeria working on polio immunization prog. My request for advice is on the following: 1.Data shows that non compliance is in terms of anti preaching by religious leaders, 2. lack of motivated vaccinator's team and also hard to reach areas leading to missed children. 3. Lack of awareness among community on why immunization is important. I found that media advocacy had not been explored earlier. I have managed to garner free airtime on TV and radio and would seek your advice on drawing up a detailed media plan for at least 16 weeks. And also an M&E plan. We are in the process of having ashort burst campaign before the upcoming IPD on 21st Nov. 209. The content will be: For Radio: information on importance of immunization, How to identify AFP cases, danger signs of WPV Information on the upcomimg IPD, discussion on last round stats During the IPDs, constant info about the rounds and jingles For TV: Week 1 is the same as for radio Week 2 is discussion with a doctor who is arep of the Emir. week 3- during the IPD we will be doing live coverage of the wards Please advice me as to how to proceed and what else should I look for in this short time. Also advice will be greatly appreciated in terms of drawing up a detailed media plan. Grateful if a speedy response is provided. Thanks and regards Sunetra Ghosh Communications professional
Implementing a Social Marketing Effort س., 11/10/2009
Hi, I am an intern at the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health. I am doing some research to guide a strategic planning process for a Boston-based alliance of neighborhood health coalitions. The Boston Alliance for Community Health is a health planning partnership between 9 neighborhood-based coalitions (each has CBO, health clinic, and resident members), hospitals, and state and local government. I have been searching for examples of comparable "coalitions of coalitions" in which neighborhood coalitions convene as a larger group at the city level. I've yet to find anything, aside from some defunct organizations that came out of the Turning Points Partnerships of the 1990s. I would greatly appreciate any insight you could offer. Thanks, and take care, Justin Feldman MSW/MPH Student Intern Office of the Commissioner Massachusetts Department of Public Health (617) 624-5295
  • Building Leadership
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
جمعه, 10/30/2009
Hello, I am a manager of a complex community building initative. There are so many details and projects I am tackling and I am feel overwhelmed and disorganized. Do you know of any books, places on the internet, or have advice on how to manage it all (i.e. task, projects, to do lists). My old system of doing things is not cuttingi it. Many thanks!
  • Sustaining the Work or Initiative
  • Improving Organizational Management and Development
س., 10/20/2009
I am a intern with the American Heart Association. I need to draft a letter requesting potential members of the community to form a task force for addressing high rates of cardiovascular disease in a borough or community. How can I pose this letter to attract potential members?
  • Increasing Participation and Membership
  • Building Leadership
چ., 10/14/2009
My position is grant funded and my job description was created with lofty ideals. It has been very challenging working in an unorganized and chaotic work environment. I work with a very diverse refugee population and it has been very challenging finding culturally appropriate health education materials. I was hoping by reaching out to my fellow colleagues in public health practice in order to find some helpful resources. My current position requires that I develop tools for program evaluation and needs assessment for my health education program. I have many questions so please accept my apologies in advance! How do I choose good health indicators? How do I measure health outcomes? For program evaluation for a refugee health program, how I measure behavior change? Especially in when different cultures interpret things differently. What tools (i.e., logic models, surveys, questionnaires, etc.) are available on the topic of refugee health? Are there videos available in different languages (e.g., Arabic, Karen, Burmese, Spanish, Nepali, Hindi, etc.) on health ed topics? How do I develop pre-/post-tests for low literate or illiterate refugees? What books or website would you recommend? Also, how do I rectify deterioating community partnerships? These task are beyond my scope of training, but I am very interested in learning how to do so...I just need additional training and guidance. Your time and patience is greatly appreciated. I look forward your reply. Thank you again for your assistance.
  • Creating and Maintaining Coalitions and Partnerships
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
  • Evaluating the Initiative
چ., 10/14/2009
I work in a shelter for homeless pregnant women. I am looking for group exercises to use to help build community in the shelter. Any ideas? Our residents stay with us during their pregnancy (3 - 6 months) and then move out into the community or return to their hometown. They are young adults (16 - 23, on average). I am looking for skill building exercises for use in groups, especially those with low literacy skills
  • Developing a Framework or Model of Change
  • Developing an Intervention
ش., 10/10/2009
We are conducting an assessment of Pacific Islanders Youth on obesity. We are looking for a standardized tool and a good focus group guide discussion.
  • Enhancing Cultural Competence
  • Assessing Community Needs and Resources
چ., 10/07/2009
