Guestbook entries

First Name: Evangelina
Last Name: Garcia Prince
City/Town: Caracas
State/Province: none
Country: Venezuela
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a trainer in leadership (women and men) in many community spaces political, services, violence against women, local public and private organizations.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Is a wonderfool tool for planning training (conceptual and exercises). I use it as guide in many ways. Thanks for your work.
First Name: Jacob
Last Name: Kahemele
City/Town: Dar es salaam
Country: Other
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Tanzanian professional working in areas of health and development. I have a background in Theology and development studies, I have worked with a number of faith based institutions in development work, HIV and AIDS and Health in general. I am currently working with an International NGO with main focus on youth.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just found out about this tool and already I am seeing great potential for its utilization in a number of areas of my work, so I hope to make use of it.
First Name: Charity
Last Name: Coquillard
City/Town: Salt Lake City
State/Province: Utah
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a student working on my Masters in Health Education at Touro University International.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
This is a great resource for students. Especially as a graduate student using an online college this is perfect. I'm glad I came across this resource and am sure I will use it in the future.
First Name: Ernesta
Last Name: Wright
City/Town: Brea
State/Province: California
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
A nonprofit organization who specifically work with grassroots and small nonprofits of people of color- areas of focus: Health, Marriage and Social issues; and technical support with emphasis on sustainability
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We're going to create partnerships in three counties in California
First Name: Diane
Last Name: Wheeler
City/Town: Portarlington
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I work for the Primary Health Care and will soon be doing a community development course
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am using the tool box for information only at the moment. Will continue to use this site as I progress.
First Name: Cynthia
Last Name: Archer-Gift, Ph.D.,RN
City/Town: Detroit
State/Province: Mid-West
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the Chief Psychiatric Nurse Consultant in Michigan Department of Community Health and serve as a CMS Nurse Surveyor, I also am nursing faculty at the University of Phoenix, Metro detroit Campus. I love using your tool box with my nursing students for the fact it provides useful resources that can be considered evidence-base. Thank you for such a great web site.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I use the tool box both in academia and in my daily work with public mental health, I share information obtained from the tool box both with students and with my colleagues in Central Office, and am very consistent in citing the Tool Box as a source of information.
First Name: islara
Last Name: souto
City/Town: miami
State/Province: Florida
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Community health and health planning expert. I've been in public health over 17 years -- and am still passionate about collaborations, access to care and reducing disparities in our communities.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
not sure yet -- I need to explore it.
First Name: Pam
Last Name: Mann
City/Town: Cedar Rapids
State/Province: Iowa
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a patient advocate for a regional community hospital in Iowa.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am a member of a community task force that is looking at the various road blocks for cultures to obtain affortable healthcare and what we can do to remove those barriers. I will also use the infomation in my hospital position when assisting people with issues related to their healthcare needs outside the hospital or better accessing our services.
First Name: Melanie
Last Name: Swift
City/Town: Lewiston
State/Province: Maine
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Technical Assistance Coordinator on SAMSHA Trauma Informed System of Care grant
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Cultural competence & Strategic planning
First Name: Sheryl
Last Name: Swartz-Vezzolo
City/Town: Modesto
State/Province: California
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Administrative Assistant attending college courses to earn a bachelor's degree to increase advancement opportunities.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just discovered this website through a link from Viterbo's Servant Leadership blog. Just browsing but I'm sure I will be back!! Thanks.
First Name: Janis
Last Name: GIbbs
City/Town: Brooklyn
State/Province: New York
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Hello, I am a student enrolled at MCNY in New York, NY. I will get a BA in Human Service. I will continue on to become a Principal of school or an Administrator. I have been proactively involved in education all of my life. I will continue to seek knowledge. I am striving to be the best at what I do so that I can help others be the best too.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I haven't thought about it yet I have to research what kinds of information and resources your website has available.
First Name: Nancy
Last Name: Johnson
City/Town: Harrisburg
State/Province: PA
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an Alcohol Education Specialist working for the PA Liquor Control Board. My major responsibilities include editing, composing, and proofreading government information to be disseminated to school districts, colleges, police departments, and other community organizations throughout the state. I also serve as technical advisor and website content administrator.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The Community Tool Box will be included on the Resource Page of a specialized website that our bureau is developing.
First Name: Kilah
Last Name: Lake
City/Town: Bloomingdale
State/Province: Michigan
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Registered Nurse
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I will use this for my class
First Name: Yoni
Last Name: Luxford
Country: Australia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I teach a course called Working in Communities to final year midwifery students. My background is in community health and midwifery.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I use it as a learning resources for students. Very helpful. Regards Yoni
First Name: Joyce
Last Name: Horn
City/Town: Albuquerque
State/Province: New Mexico
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a MS candidate in dental hygiene at the University of New Mexico, currently creating my graduate project and would like to discuss creating a Workstation to incorporate in my project design. Collaborative practice dental hygiene (an alternative-independent model of practice) was passed in 2000, as means to address access to care (NM ranks 49th in the US Dental Health Professions Shortage Areas designated by HRSA). UNM's Dental Hygiene Program is associated with the medical school (no dental school in NM) this project has the opportunity to explore addressing oral/general health related conditions with interdisciplinary role socialization of advanced dental hygiene practice, integrating oral-systemic care with primary care. It has the potential to influence both the education of nursing and dental hygiene students etc. and delivery of care in hospital, clinic and private practice settings.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The next NM State legislative session will consider the feasibility of a study for advanced dental hygiene practitioner-this would be the ideal vehicle to connect research, education and practice as NM seeks to solve health care delivery/quality problems.
First Name: R
Last Name: Carr
City/Town: new Orleans
State/Province: Louisiana
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Social worker and fulltime MSW student at Southern University of New Orleans
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Current instructor requested class to visit this web site. First time viewing. Looking to learn more.
First Name: Greg
Last Name: Noelck
City/Town: Pomona
State/Province: California
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a physical therapist looking at stepping off toward a MPA. I work at a small local hospital and fellowship at church a half mile down the street. I have been pondering many things but have most recently been thinking in terms of how to bring my community togehter to promote family health/support structures in order to decrease crime, morbidity and increase the likelyhood of success for our children and community members. I just discovered this site tonight. I live in Southern CA. So far I think this site is amazing and am looking forward to implementing what I can to create positive change in my community.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Jenifer
Last Name: Naffa
City/Town: Broken Arrow
State/Province: Oklahoma
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I love doing research. In fact, I am a college student and am having to do all lot of research papers and essays. I plan to major in human resource development and psychology. I would like to have a minor in journalism as well.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Right now I am doing a research paper for my sociology class over adolescents with drug problems
First Name: Gail
Last Name: Boe
City/Town: Pawhuska
State/Province: Oklahoma
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
At the present time I am the Communities of Excellence Coordinator with the Osage Nation and the Osage County Community Partnership Board.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Researching materials for workshops.
First Name: Lisa
Last Name: Bowman
City/Town: Elkins Park
State/Province: Pennsylvania
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
graduate student pursuing MBA/HCM/MSN dual degree. currently employed as a product director for clinical guidelines tool at CIGNA Corporation
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Advanced nursing management: Communities course at University of Phoenix on-line school
First Name: Janice
Last Name: Culver
City/Town: Milwaukee
State/Province: Wisconsin
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Outreach Health Coordinator
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Researching heatlh disparities, learning more about accessing community resources and organizing in my community.
First Name: Malini
Last Name: Jain
City/Town: Sydney
Country: Australia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a social worker, working with a youth service in Sydney.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Was looking for some tools for need assessment. Your website is really helpful. Would be great if I can get an example of need assessment survey. Thanks...
First Name: Nancy
Last Name: Wileman
City/Town: Los Angeles
State/Province: California
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Program Director, Substance Abuse Prevention for Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center (one of the oldest providers in Los Angeles area with 9 sites--mostly Department of Mental Health funding, but Substance Abuse services are funded through Department of Health Services); LMFT, CADC-II; great baker, gardener, and grandmother
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
write Strategic Prevention Plan for Los Angeles County funding
First Name: Rodrigo
Last Name: Cantarero
City/Town: Lincoln
State/Province: Nebraska
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Faculty with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am collaborating with a local organization (Health Partners Intitiative) on a project working with two local neighborhoods on developing a "neighborhood service exchange" program. We are initially working in the areas of access to health (neighborhood is heavily minority population, especially Latino) and safety. Your site is a wonderful source of ideas and tools.
First Name: Victoria
Last Name: Dalay
City/Town: n/a
State/Province: Cavite
Country: Philippines
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a researcher.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
It would help me in knowing the tips in making a successful Community initiative
First Name: Merlyn
Last Name: Vinzon
City/Town: Hawthorne
State/Province: California
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an RN with certificate in Public Health. I am very interested in community health nursing and would like to be actively involved and make a difference in the promotion of health in my family, in my work and community as a whole.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Not yet, but now I think it is worth looking into and utilize this resource.
First Name: Lizette
Last Name: Morales - Chomicki
City/Town: Fairless Hills
State/Province: Pennsylvania
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the new Community Mobilizer/Project Coordinator for the LYFT (Lower Makefield/Yardley Boro/Falls Twp/Tullytown Boro) community
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
LYFT is a coalition developed in the Pennsbury School District that has put forth in it's goals and objectives to 1) reduce underaged drinking, the use of tobacco products and other drugs through comprehensive strategies that can reduce those risk factors that increase the potential for substance abuse and promote positive/resiliency factors that minimize the potential for substance use and abuse, and 2)expand the partnership between LYFT and community partners by a)coordinating policies that affect the Pennsbury residents across all 4 domains (school, community, individual/peer and family), b)Promote academic success, and c) to develop and promote programs and services that will assist families in setting appropriate boundaries.
First Name: Sue
Last Name: Allen
City/Town: Westfield
State/Province: Wisconsin
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Associate Director, Alliance for Wisconsin Youth
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Recommending it to local member coalitions for easy reference in a vast number of areas. Using it as part of training and technical assistance.
First Name: Marilynn
Last Name: Grossman
City/Town: College Station
State/Province: Texas
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Manager of public relations for the Texas Forest Service and chair-elect of the Southern Group of State Foresters (SGSF) Communications Committee.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I found your Social Marketing materials in my Google search. I'm exploring the idea of proposing such a strategy in our efforts to impact public perception regarding healthy forest management and eventually develop a state forest policy
First Name: ramakrishnan
Last Name: nanjundan
City/Town: kotagiri
Country: India
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
medical practitioner interested in preventive health through environment protection. one of the directors of LIONS club of Kotagiri,President of Kotagiri Wildlife Association. Networking with other local organisations to have sustainable development in this rich biodiversity hill station in The Nilgiris forming part of the Western Ghats in south India.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Through creating awareness among the masses.
First Name: Jo Ann
Last Name: Nesbitt
City/Town: St. Petersburg
State/Province: Florida
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a faith based service and consulting company.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
To help with organizational development activities.
First Name: Mario
Last Name: Mendoza
City/Town: Bacnotan
State/Province: LA UNION
Country: Philippines
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Faculty member of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, La Union, Philippines. I am teaching agricultural engineering subjects particularly Irrigation and Drainage as well as Soil and Water Engineering. I am also handling subject in Management both in the undergraduate and graduate levels.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just came to know the site and trying to introduce it to our organization.
First Name: rhonda
Last Name: wilcox
City/Town: jackson
State/Province: Ohio
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a registered advocate with the state of Ohio. I work for a rape crisis center, which we also handle alot of domestic violence cases.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I need statistics and curriculum and manuals for sexual assault and domestic violence for our center's resources.
First Name: Teresa
Last Name: Sprague
City/Town: Wasilla
State/Province: Mat-Su
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I work with the Fetal Alcohol Resource Project and the Mat-Su Parent Resource Center working with children with abilities, not disabilities as we say.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
New to the tool box.
First Name: Rick
Last Name: Melendez
City/Town: Parma
State/Province: Cuyahoga
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Supervisor for local health department. Curently working on MPH.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Grant development.
First Name: La Nora
Last Name: Glaze
City/Town: Pensacola
State/Province: Florida
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a asthma educator for the Naval Hospital
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am becoming familar with the site.
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Kamau Kinyanjui
City/Town: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Am a community development worker
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Costomizing it to local training sessions and needs for our community. Its really useful.
First Name: Harvey
Last Name: Wallace
City/Town: Marquette
State/Province: Michigan
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Professor-Health Education Head, Dept.HPER, Northern Michigan Univ. Past Pres. National Assoc. of Local Boards of Health
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Shared with my faculty in health education.
First Name: Joanna
Last Name: Johnson
City/Town: Kansas City
State/Province: Missouri
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the Schools Collaborative Coordinator for Kansas City Chronic Disease Coalition. Prior to this, I was the Nursing Supervisor for the Kansas City Missouri School District.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
KC-CDC uses the Community Tool Box to accumulate information related to our various health programs.
First Name: Janet
Last Name: Strock
City/Town: Rensselaerville
State/Province: New York
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Our small town is trying to start a food coop in Rensselaerville, NY. I am on the committe to write the bylaws.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We are writing bylaws for this new endeavor and I found your site on my Google Search. I have not had time to read much but it looks to be very helpful and I will most likely return to find out more information. Thank you for sharing.
First Name: Jenie
Last Name: Joannou
City/Town: Adelaide - South Australia
Country: Australia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a lecturer coming from a Teritary Program after 15 years looking to change into community development within an educational context. I have an interview for such a position on Wednesday 22 February and am in the process of preparing a 15 minute presentation on developing a strategic framework for a capital protected foundation within a very large very very new community centre.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am using the Tool Box as a resource to gain employment and just love it. It is extremely well done and if successful who hope to run the community program using many of the resources and information in your Tool Boxes.
First Name: M. Ilham Morgana
Last Name: Morgana
City/Town: Yogyakarta
State/Province: Center of java
Country: Indonesia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a staff of a provincial health promotion board.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Actualy, I'm looking for a concept and practice of health promotion to be implemented on my job. Could you give information about freecharge training and funding to follow this concept?
First Name: Janet
Last Name: Desrochers
City/Town: Pilot Mound
State/Province: Manitoba
Country: Canada
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a recreation director
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
hoping it will help
First Name: Terry
Last Name: Schleder
City/Town: Albuquerque
State/Province: New Mexico
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a former student of Nina Wallerstein's here at UNM. I got my MPH in 2003 and I specialize in low-income women and children's health access issues.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
just getting started.
First Name: Vanessa
Last Name: Braithwaite
City/Town: Atlanta
State/Province: Georgia
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I function as the Executive Director, Health Initiative Programs with the Georgia Department of Community Health.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Utilizing the tools related to coalition building and methodology of logic models with staff. The staff is composed of several individuals who possess different levels of expertise with coalition building and logic models. Excellent materials are offered on your site. Thank you for creating such a tool.
First Name: Sarah
Last Name: Eber
City/Town: Kirksville
State/Province: Missouri
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
RD, Health Educator, seeing lots of need for MNT for medicaid and uninsured, no one to pay RD salary to do it.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Working through a collaborative effort to engage communities to prevent and treat obesity
First Name: lynda
Last Name: odigie
City/Town: lansing
State/Province: Illinois
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
proposal writer, community development urban planner
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
outline for community assessment
First Name: Brian
Last Name: Christenson
City/Town: Lewiston
State/Province: Idaho
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Assistant Professor Lewis-Clark State College
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Resources for community assessment as tools for social work students
First Name: Barbara
Last Name: Holgate
City/Town: Hobart
Country: Australia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a teacher in the community work/youth work program at the Institute of TAFE Tasmania. We train para-professionals for the community services sector - a 2 year diploma course
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am using the Tool Box to stimulate thinking/learning with a group of in-service youth workers who are learning to design and deliver programs and promote the programs in the sector. I love the Tool Box and I really appreciate your generosity in allowing us to access and use these wonderful resources.
First Name: Elayne
Last Name: Steindorf
City/Town: Kokomo
State/Province: Indiana
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Graduate nursing student at the University of Indianapolis. I am completeing my MSN in Nurse-Midwifery and plan to continue to get a certificate as a FNP.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am using your site in conjunction with my class in Nursing Issues and Policies. I was seeking help to clarify an assignment on Community assessment and came across your site. I have found your material helpful in understanding the process.