DESCRIBE THE COMMUNITY'S VISION: Health for all in the region (Butsotso Central community in the Kakamega County, Kenya) STATE THE MISSION: Reduce hospital visits due to water-borne diseases by solving the dirty-water usage problems. STATE THE OBJECTIVES: Target two springs within one year to benefit 300 people (accomplished). Protection of 5 springs to provide clean water to 5 villages/communities in Butsotso from March to May 2011. Increase awareness of water-borne diseases by 45% in the target villages (accomplished). Reduce rampant attacks of water-borne diseases by 20% (accomplished). Reduce drop-out rate in school attendance per term due to water-borne diseases by 30% (accomplished). IDENTIFY THE STRATEGIES THE GROUP USED: Invited and recruited self help women, youth groups, and churches committees in Kakamega County to protect springs and to boil water before they drink. Identifying the springs that need attention. Making healthy, nutritious food available to the community to boost immunity. Community education for both adults and youth to create awareness of the water-borne diseases. ELEMENTS OF ACTION PLAN : Providing Information and Enhancing Skills: Used public health officers of the government to educate members of the Butsotso Central community. Modifying Access, Barriers, and Opportunities: Those that lived close to water springs banded together to protect the open water source. Changing the Consequences (incentives and disincentives): Group community work (protection of a water spring in the community) leads to social cohesion. Enhancing Services and Support: Elicited support from self-help women groups, youth groups, and church committees. Modifying Policies and Broader Systems: Consulted with the Government water ministry in charge of the region to help in protecting target water sites.