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I want to start an organization that will work to maximize potentials and to empower the youth to make the most of all opportunities.How will my action plan be?

Hi Rauhel,
I am so glad that you wrote to us. Empowering youth is a very critical issue and it is so good that you are willing to tackle it.
The Tool Box has some specific Sections that hopefully can be of use to you in this pursuit. I would suggest looking at:
Community Action Guide: Framework for Addressing Community Goals and Problems
What is action planning?
How does action planning help a community?
Why is action planning important?
When should you create an action plan?
What are the components of an action plan framework?
Another helpful reference might be this free manual available from the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice:
Changing the Landscape: Involving Youth in Social Change : A Guidebook for Youth Engagement
Please let us know if this helpful and if you have further questions
Best of luck

Question Date: lun, 04/14/2014