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How do I cite a quote from your website in APA format?
Some sections have a contributor, some do not.

Thank you,

Thanks for the inquiry Sally.
Here is the suggested format:
Community Tool Box. [i.e., author name]
Title of section [with only the first word capitalized].
Chapter and section number [e.g., Chapter 7, Section 5].
Retrieved from [then insert the full URL of the chapter and section]
If there is a cited contributor, then:
Contributor's name [last name, then first initial, as in Berkowitz, B.]
Title of section [with only the first word capitalized]
Community Tool Box [overall name of document]
Chapter and section number [e.g., Chapter 7, Section 5].
Retrieved from [then insert the full URL of the chapter and section]
Feel free to contact us again. And thanks for citing the Tool Box

Question Date: mar, 04/22/2014