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Thank you for writing to us at the Community Tool Box about your ideas. We applaud you for your idea to offer advocacy letter writing classes!
We hope that our online materials under /en/advocating-change and /en/online-courses are helpful and can get you started.Perhaps there is enough materials so one of the Library organizers can distribute or hold a class using these materials.
At this time, we do not directly provide speakers or teachers for advocacy or any other specific skills. But perhaps another solution would be to contact community psychology instructors working at a local university (KU in Lawrence, or further out, Wichita State). This would be a perfect community project for a graduate student to run a training program or workshop at your library, train some of the attendees to also be trainers, and to keep the project going.
I would recommend contatcting several faculty listed at these links:
Associate Professor, Chairperson of the Department of Applied Behavioral Science
Dole Human Development Center, Room 4020
Charles Burdsal, PhD
Professor & Coordinator
Community Psychology Doctoral Program
Department of Psychology
Wichita State University
1845 Fairmount, Box 34
Wichita , KS 67260-0034
(316) 978-3884
Best wishes!