Formulaire de recherche

Section 1. Developing a Plan for Staff Hiring and Training

You understand why you should develop guidelines for hiring, orientation, and training:

___The ways people are hired and trained constitute their first impressions of the organization.

___It will make you think about your plan and philosophy for the organization.

___It makes the hiring and training processes easier and less stressful.

___It's important to have them to show funders, potential employees, and the community.

___It helps to be better prepared for "surprises" that may occur.

___Guidelines make it more likely you will be able to find and hire the right person for the job, and that he or she will do it well.

You know how to develop these guidelines:

___You have decided who will develop the guidelines.

___You know the kind of employee you want, what the hiring process will look like, and what you can afford.

___You understand what orientation, training, and professional development all entail, and the differences between them.

For training:

___You know who will conduct the training in each area.

___You know when and for how long the orientation and trainings will take.

___You know what forms of training will take place.

___You know what materials need to be prepared for the training.

___You know how, and by whom, the training will be evaluated.

___You know how the evaluation will be used.