Before you plan out the details of your campaign, you may need to fill gaps in your knowledge: ___You don't need to know everything, but a good understanding of the issue is essential ___It is important not only to know the facts, but to understand the beliefs of the people you serve, and of your opponents. It is also important to know how they came to those beliefs A thorough understanding of the issue will help you to: ___Convince your members the issue is important ___Persuade allies to join your cause ___Understand your opponents ___Be precise in your planning ___Educate the public You will need to know: ___How people in different segments of the community feel about the issue ___What makes the opponents tick ___What it will take for the political structure of the community to make and/or accept change The information you need will probably be of two types: ___General background information ___Specific information about the issue as it affects your community Getting general information to educate yourselves about the issue: ___May involve working in libraries ___May involve surfing on the Web ___May involve digging in archives, annual reports, and yearbooks ___May involve recruiting experts Gathering information about the issue as it affects your own community may involve: ___Using media archives ___Using City Hall archives ___Getting information from local business interests You can fill in the gaps by getting information from: ___Community leaders ___Representatives of the business community ___Educators (i.e. school board members, or school principals) If you need more information about the thoughts and feelings of local residents, you can make a start with: ___Surveys ___Focus groups ___Guided discussions