___You understand that an intervention can be a program, a change in policy, or a practice that becomes popular ___You understand that interventions focus on people's behaviors, and how changes in the environment can support those behaviors ___You understand the advantages of developing interventions ___You understand when you should develop or redesign interventions Developing the intervention: ___You have decided what needs to happen ___You have used a measurement system to gather information about the level of the problem ___You have decided whom the intervention needs to help ___You have involved potential clients or end users of the intervention ___With these clients, you have identified the issues or problems you will attempt to solve together ___You have analyzed these problems or the issue to be addressed in the intervention ___You have set goals and objectives ___You have learned what others have done ___You have brainstormed your own ideas ___You have tried to decide what interventions or parts of interventions have worked, and what might be applicable to your situation ___You have identified barriers and resistance you might come up against ___You have identified core components and elements of the intervention ___You have developed an action plan to carry out the intervention ___You have pilot-tested your intervention ___You have implemented your intervention