What is evaluation? ___You understand that evaluating means determining the value of your work What are some objections to evaluation and how can you resolve those objections? ___"I don't know how to do an evaluation." Use a resource such as the Community Tool Box to find guide once the steps you should take to plan and implement the evaluation, and use the results. ___"I don't have time." Although it is true that evaluation takes time, it will save time in the long run, by pointing out potential problems before they become disasters ___"The results may be negative or hurt us." If you begin evaluating early, you should be able to prevent any major problems If you do find problems, you can use that to improve the quality of your program Why should you evaluate your program? ___Success is reinforcing ___Failure is instructive ___Evaluation can make you feel good ___Evaluation raises the chances of further action ___Evaluation can help you understand important aspects of the initiative ___You should evaluate your initiative when your plan is in action, or when some of your plans have been completed How should you do an evaluation? ___You want to evaluate ___You have evaluated in terms of objectives or goals ___You have identified criteria or indicators that will provide ways to measure your objectives ___You have collected data on each of these indicators ___You have used the results to adjust the program or intervention as necessary