Chapter 22. | Section 6.

Section 6. Youth Goal Setting

Tool 1: A contract for your relationship

A mentor/protégé contract is a tool for discussion. Since communication is essential to any relationships, it can help you clarify expectations on many issues before conflict arises.

Use this contract in the following manner:

  • Respond to every question with your preferences. Being honest now will save time and hurt feelings later
  • Examine and discuss your differences, focusing and understanding the reasons behind answers that are different from yours
  • Try to agree on a way to compromise or resolve those differences now, before conflicts arise
  • Write down your agreements

Mentor/protégé contract


  • Are you willing to trust your mentor?
  • Are you willing to trust your protégé?
  • How many times a week are the protégé and mentor supposed to meet?
  • During these meetings, what are they supposed to do? (talk, go to the movies, study?)
  • How much time will be allotted for study? How much time will be allotted for fun activities?


  • Where are the meetings supposed to take place?
  • What is an activity that you love doing?
  • What is an activity that you hate doing?
  • Are you outgoing? Would you rather go out or stay home?
  • What do you like to talk about?
  • What do you hate to talk about?
  • What's your favorite type of movie? What's your favorite type of music?


  • In which area of study are mentor and protégé going to focus first?
    • And later?
  • What is going to be the method of measuring progress?
  • How are mentor and protégé going to celebrate good results?

Tool 2: Action Plan form

Initiative Date

Action step or change to be accomplished:



What actions or changes will occur:



Who will carry it out:



By when (for how long):



What resources are needed:



Communications (who should know what):



Tool 3: Youth concerns review

This is a questionnaire that asks the youths to evaluate certain aspects of their lives such as family and social relationships, school achievement, and personal capacities.

The purpose of this guide is to help protégés think about their dreams and goals and how to reach them. The protégé may complete this by him or herself or with a mentor, parent, friend, or someone who cares about him or her.

The questions in the first part ask the protégé to think about personal resources and the challenges to be faced. The second set of questions is supposed to help identify what is important to the youth and what he would like to change. Then the youth chooses the most important goals and thinks about how to meet those goals.


Dreams for My Life

Spend some time thinking about your dreams for your future, or your goals in life. Some of these may be short term (you want to do them in the next few months or a year). Others might be longer term (you will need more than a year to accomplish them).

How would you like your life to look overall?

Start by thinking of the big picture. What are your dreams and goals for your life in general? Write down your ideas here.



What do you see yourself doing in the following areas soon? Later?

Now think about specific areas of your life. Write down your short-term and long -term goals in each of the following areas.

  • How far do you hope to go in school? What type of education do you want?


  • What kind of job do you hope for?


  • What are your dreams for health? For security and being safe?


  • What kind of family life do you hope for?


  • What kinds of friendships and personal relationships do you hope for?


  • What types of fun and recreation do you hope for?


  • What are your dreams for living on your own or being independent?


  • In what ways do you hope to be involved in your community?


  • What sort of spiritual life do you hope for?


My Assets and Strengths

Skills and Experience:

Take a few minutes to think about your skills and experiences. Please circle the items from the list below that identify skills and experiences of which you are proud. Then write down an example or an explanation for each item you circle. At the end, write in skills and experiences that you value, but are not listed.

  • I can read well _____________________________________________________
  • I can write well _____________________________________________________
  • I can speak a different language _______________________________________
  • I am good at math __________________________________________________
  • I can use computers ________________________________________________
  • I can drive well _____________________________________________________
  • I can paint or draw __________________________________________________
  • I can organize things ________________________________________________
  • I can fix things _____________________________________________________
  • I can play with children ______________________________________________
  • I can care for children _______________________________________________
  • I can play sports ___________________________________________________
  • I can build things___________________________________________________
  • I can cook ________________________________________________________
  • I can sew/knit/crochet _______________________________________________
  • I can grow plants ___________________________________________________
  • I can target shoot well _______________________________________________
  • I can hunt well _____________________________________________________
  • I can talk with friends and family _______________________________________
  • I have lived in other countries __________________________________________
  • I have held a job ____________________________________________________
  • I can play a musical instrument well _____________________________________
  • I can do arts and crafts well ____________________________________________
  • I care for animals well ________________________________________________
  • (add your own)______________________________________________________
  • (add your own)______________________________________________________

Personal Qualities:

Take a few minutes to think about your personal qualities. What characteristics do you have? How do you act toward others? Please circle the items from the list below that identify personal qualities of which you are proud. Then write in an explanation or example for each item you circle. At the end, write in any personal qualities that you value, but may not be listed.

  • I am caring of others _________________________________________________
  • I am courteous/respectful of others ______________________________________
  • I am religious/spiritual ________________________________________________
  • I am kind to others ___________________________________________________
  • I am cheerful toward others ____________________________________________
  • I am tolerant of others ________________________________________________
  • I can be trusted by friends and family _____________________________________
  • I am loyal to my family and friends _______________________________________
  • I am helpful to others _________________________________________________
  • I am friendly toward others _____________________________________________
  • I am responsible ____________________________________________________
  • I am sensitive _______________________________________________________
  • I am loving ________________________________________________________
  • I am up-front with people _______________________________________________
  • I am direct _________________________________________________________
  • I am honest ________________________________________________________
  • I am shy/quiet ______________________________________________________
  • (add your own)______________________________________________________
  • (add your own)______________________________________________________
  • (add your own)______________________________________________________

My Challenges

Take a few minutes to think about possible barriers or obstacles that may be holding you back from doing things you want. Please circle the items from the list below that identify those barriers or obstacles. Then write down an explanation or example for each item you circle. At the end, write in any barriers or obstacles that you encounter, but are not listed.

  • It's hard for me to read _________________________________________________
  • It's hard for me to write ________________________________________________
  • It's hard for me to add or subtract _________________________________________
  • It's hard for me to find the time to do some things ____________________________
  • It's hard for me to get organized __________________________________________
  • It's hard for me to get places _____________________________________________
  • It's hard for me to pay for things I want______________________________________
  • It's hard for me to make new friends _______________________________________
  • It's hard for me to understand what people say and do _________________________
  • It's hard for me to talk with some people ____________________________________
  • It's hard for me to get people to understand me _______________________________
  • It's hard for me to stay out of jail __________________________________________
  • I experience discrimination ______________________________________________
  • I experience violence __________________________________________________
  • I experience abuse or neglect _____________________________________________
  • I experience drug or alcohol abuse _________________________________________
  • I experience poverty ___________________________________________________
  • I experience a disability ________________________________________________
  • I experience fear _____________________________________________________
  • (add your own) ______________________________________________________
  • (add your own) ______________________________________________________
  • (add your own) ______________________________________________________
  • (add your own) ______________________________________________________

Please take a few minutes to look back over the last section where you circled your strengths and abilities. Keep those qualities in mind as you go on to Part Two.


Determining what is important to you

To set goals for yourself, you may work by yourself or with a mentor, parent, or friend to answer the questions that follow. Please go through each issue in every area and answer the following questions:

  • Is this issue one that I care about?
  • Am I where I want to be with this issue?

Next to each issue in the list are two columns where you circle your answer:

  • In the left-hand column, circle "No" if you don't care about the issue; or circle "Yes" if you do care about the issue.
  • In the right-hand column, circle "Yes" if you would like to do better at or with the issue; or circle "No" if you don't feel you need to do better at or with the issue, or if doing better at or with the issue is unimportant to you.

At the end of each section under the heading "Other", you will find space to write down any other issue that you think is important.

  I care about: I would like to do better at:
Education and Training        
Getting a high school diploma or GED Yes No Yes No
Having good grades Yes No Yes No
Getting a college degree Yes No Yes No
Going to tech / trade school Yes No Yes No
Passing a specific class Yes No Yes No
Getting to the next grade Yes No Yes No
Having better attendance Yes No Yes No
Having good test scores Yes No Yes No
Joining in extracurricular activities Yes No Yes No
Learning and understanding things Yes No Yes No
Having the skills I need to get a good job Yes No Yes No
Getting along with my teachers Yes No Yes No
Getting along with my classmates Yes No Yes No

Other (be specific):


Yes No Yes No
Getting part-time work Yes No Yes No
Getting full-time work Yes No Yes No
Getting on-the-job training, or becoming an apprentice in a job I want Yes No Yes No
Getting a better job Yes No Yes No
Getting another job Yes No Yes No
Starting a business Yes No Yes No
Being at work on time Yes No Yes No
Doing better at my work Yes No Yes No
Getting more done at my job Yes No Yes No
Getting along with my boss Yes No Yes No
Getting along with other workers Yes No Yes No
Getting more respect for my work Yes No Yes No
Getting a raise Yes No Yes No

Other (be specific):


Yes No Yes No
Health and Safety        
Exercising more Yes No Yes No
Not using tobacco Yes No Yes No
Not doing drugs or drinking Yes No Yes No
Feeling good about myself Yes No Yes No
Eating well (eating healthy food) Yes No Yes No
Eating less junk food and fast food Yes No Yes No
Avoiding STDs and HIV/AIDS Yes No Yes No
Not getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant Yes No Yes No
Not getting hurt or killed Yes No Yes No
Not hurting or killing anyone Yes No Yes No
Being able to go to a doctor Yes No Yes No
Being able to go to a dentist Yes No Yes No
Looking and feeling good Yes No Yes No
Getting vaccinated against diseases Yes No Yes No
Not feeling sad or badly about myself Yes No Yes No
Wearing seat belts and a bike helmet (when applicable) Yes No Yes No
Getting enough sleep Yes No Yes No
Not driving drunk Yes No Yes No
Not riding with a drunk driver Yes No Yes No

Other (be specific):


Yes No Yes No
Having more friends Yes No Yes No
Making better friends Yes No Yes No
Having friends who are good for me Yes No Yes No
Being more accepted Yes No Yes No
Being more assertive Yes No Yes No
Communicating better Yes No Yes No
Spending more time with adults Yes No Yes No
Being around people who care for me Yes No Yes No
Spending more time with friends Yes No Yes No
Having different kinds of friends Yes No Yes No
Being a better listener Yes No Yes No
Being a good friend Yes No Yes No
Being a good sister / brother Yes No Yes No
Getting along with people Yes No Yes No

Other (be specific):


Yes No Yes No
Getting along better with my family Yes No Yes No
Staying away from sexual or physical abuse Yes No Yes No
Being treated well at home Yes No Yes No
Getting to know my family better Yes No Yes No
Being able to express anger without being violent Yes No Yes No
Using discipline without violence Yes No Yes No
Using discipline that is fair and consistent Yes No Yes No
Making rules that are reasonable Yes No Yes No
Having my family show me they care about me Yes No Yes No
Showing my family that I care about them Yes No Yes No
Having family traditions and celebrations Yes No Yes No
Doing more things with my family Yes No Yes No
Being able to talk and share my feelings with my family Yes No Yes No

Other (be specific):


Yes No Yes No
Recreation and Leisure        
Enjoying my free time Yes No Yes No
Having more free time Yes No Yes No
Playing more sports Yes No Yes No
Spending time doing things I like to do Yes No Yes No
Spending time doing arts and crafts Yes No Yes No
Spending more time outside Yes No Yes No
Having safe, late-night activities to do Yes No Yes No
Finding a hobby Yes No Yes No
Joining an organization Yes No Yes No
Meeting people with the same interests Yes No Yes No
Trying something new Yes No Yes No

Other (be specific):


Yes No Yes No
Independent Living        
Living on my own Yes No Yes No
Developing my own interests Yes No Yes No
Managing my money Yes No Yes No
Learning how to enjoy being alone Yes No Yes No
Being able to get around (such as on a bus, bike, train, etc.). Yes No Yes No
Taking better care of my stuff Yes No Yes No
Paying my bills on time Yes No Yes No
Reducing my expenses Yes No Yes No
Finding a good place to live Yes No Yes No
Planning better for future bills Yes No Yes No
Getting things I need around the house Yes No Yes No
Getting food for my family Yes No Yes No

Other (be specific):


Yes No Yes No
Community Involvement        
Volunteering or becoming a volunteer Yes No Yes No
Being a good neighbor Yes No Yes No
Helping others Yes No Yes No
Getting involved in solving problems in my community Yes No Yes No
Knowing more about my community Yes No Yes No
Using more community resources (such as parks and recreation programs) Yes No Yes No
Voting Yes No Yes No
Participating in community activities Yes No Yes No
Changing / influencing my community Yes No Yes No
Helping others get involved in the community Yes No Yes No
Being a good role model Yes No Yes No

Other (be specific):


Yes No Yes No
Spiritual Development        
Joining a church / mosque / synagogue Yes No Yes No
Being more active in my religious group Yes No Yes No
Practicing my faith better Yes No Yes No
Understanding my religion better Yes No Yes No
Showing that I care about other people Yes No Yes No
Being more accepting of others Yes No Yes No
Treating others as I want to be treated Yes No Yes No

Once the youth has finished this section, a mentor, parent, or other caring adult should help them with the remaining sections.


Recognizing Personal Strengths

These are issues that the youth should feel proud of and needs to work on to maintain and protect.

After the youth has finished answering the questions in part two, it is time to select his or her strengths and concerns. Go back to the question section and help the youth find the items where he or she circled Yes (indicating that he or she does care about the issue) and No (indicating that he or she doesn't feel the need to do better at the issue). These items are personal strengths. Go back to the questions section and use your protégés responses to help him or her identify his or her personal strengths.

Copy from Part Two those personal strengths that the youth agrees on:

Encourage the youth to celebrate and share these strengths with others!

Identifying Personal Concerns / Problem Areas

To identify possible personal problem areas, the youth should go back to the question section and draw a ring around any issues where the circles are side by side.

Those items where the youth circled Yes that he or she does care about the issue and Yes that he or she would like to do better at the issue are possible areas of concern that the youth can work on to improve. Review them and list below all those items of concern that the youth wants to do something about soon.

When choosing the main issues, the young person should think about the following:

  • Issues that may help the youth plan for the future
  • Issues that the youth can do something about
  • Issues that the youth is ready to work on
  • Issues that would seriously affect his or her well-being if he or she doesn't work on it

Go back over the questions in Part Two and write below the issues that the youth may want to work on:

Prioritizing Personal Concerns

Before the youth can begin planning to reach goals for each item, he or she needs to prioritize the problems and rank them according to their importance. The youth should rank the list of issues by him or herself, with 1 being the highest priority.

After the issues have been ranked, the youth and mentor should discuss the list and why issues are in that order.

For example, an individual has ranked the following seven items:

Item Rank
Volunteering or becoming a volunteer 6
Getting enough sleep 7
Being at work on time 4
Not doing drugs or drinking 1
Being a good friend 3
Practicing my faith better 5
Having good grades 2
  • In the chart, have the youth fill in the issues listed above as Personal Concerns / Problem Areas
  • Then, have the youth think about each issue by itself, asking the following questions:
    • How important is this issue?
    • Does it need to be dealt with right away or can it wait?
    • Does this issue affect others as well? (If so, it may be more important)
Item Rank

Planning for Action

After your protégé has finished identifying his or her goals, it's time to talk about an action plan for meeting those priorities. A good action plan helps us recognize all the steps we need to take to meet our goals. It also helps us be ready for difficulties we might face when trying to meet goals.

You will want to discuss:

  • What actions are needed to reach the goal
  • Who will take the actions (someone else besides the youth may be involved)
  • When the actions will happen
  • Resources and support needed to take the actions
  • Difficulties your protégé might face in taking the actions
  • People your protégé should talk to about his or her plans

Help your protégé make an action plan for each of the top priority issues he or she identifies.