___Dream big in creating a vision ___Trust your hunches ___Think without limits ___Develop a vision for your community, group, or organization ___You have brainstormed many ideas without censoring them ___You have looked at many different aspects of your neighborhood or community ___You decided this is your view of the way things should be ___Your vision is a powerful and compelling statement ___It's at the heart of what you care about the most ___It's stated in a few phrases or sentences ___You have talked to many different people about your vision ___Other people are excited about the same things as you ___You used other people's ideas to strengthen your vision ___You have told people the specifics of your vision ___You have told people what steps need to take place to achieve your vision ___You have developed a plan for achieving your vision ___You have said what you think even if it unpopular ___You have prepared yourself for attacks ___You modify your vision as circumstances change ___You are ready to act to make your vision a reality