Chapter 13. | Section 6.

Section 6. Recognizing the Challenges of Leadership

___You look for the challenges of leadership in external forces (people, situations, politics, etc.)

___You look for the challenges of leadership within yourself (insecurity, defensiveness, indecisiveness, impatience, intolerance, lack of objectivity).

___You look for the challenges of leadership in the circumstances of being a leader (communicating the vision, managing day-to-day, setting an example, avoiding burnout, etc.)

To cope with the external challenges of leadership, you:

___Are proactive

___Are creative

___Face conflict squarely

___Look for common ground

___Remain objective

___Are collaborative

To cope with the internal challenges of leadership you:


___Invite 360-degree feedback

___Look at what's going on around you

To cope with the challenges that arise from the position of leadership itself, you:

___Create mechanisms to review the vision

___Share the burden

___Find mutual support with those who share your experience

___Take time for yourself