Chapter 13. | Section 1.

Section 1. Developing a Plan for Building Leadership

Ideal Leadership Team

Here is what one organization came up with when members tried to envision their ideal leadership team.

Ideal Leadership Team for Bakersville Arts Council
How many leaders do you want on your team?

An overall leader, someone in charge of fundraising, someone in charge of media relations, someone in charge of programming, and someone in charge of recruiting, training, and overseeing staff and volunteers.

What kinds of skills will they have?

Great organizational skills, good communication skills, computer skills (we'd like to start our own web page), a strong understanding of and appreciation for the fine arts.

Will your leadership team reflect the community in which your organization serves or works?

Bakersville has large Asian-American and Italian -- American communities; we would like them to be represented.

How will your leadership team support each other and you?

Weekly meetings to keep each other up to date, including "debriefing" time for each member of the leadership team. The overall leader will formally evaluate the others every six months/year. Finally, we'll try to get together more casually (perhaps for lunch) at least once a month.

How will your leaders be committed to the goals of your organization?

Each of our leaders must have a firm belief in the importance of enhancing the arts in Bakersville, as well as a sense of community. Together, we will define our goals in concrete terms, and form an action plan detailing how each of us (and those we work with) can work together to reach those goals.



Marya Axner