Chapter 9. | Section 1.

Section 1. Organizational Structure: An Overview

___You have met with other members of the organization to discuss the best structure for your organization

___You have chosen the relative formality your organization will have

___You have chosen your organization's structure, based on your understanding that:

  • Structure is the framework around which the group is organized
  • Structure gives members clear guidelines for how to proceed
  • Structure binds members together
  • Structure in any organization is inevitable
  • Structure should occur in proportion and parallel with other work the organization is doing

You understand that:

___Three elements of structure are

  • Some kind of governance
  • Rules by which the organization operates
  • Distribution of work

___Four tasks are inherent to community work:

  • Envisioning desired changes
  • Transforming the community
  • Planning for integration
  • Supporting the efforts of those working to promote change

___You've established necessary committees or subgroups based on your understanding of common roles in community organizations. These roles can be linked together for small, medium, and larger groups

  • A steering committee is the group of people who get things started
  • A coordinating council modifies broad, organization-wide objectives and strategies in response to input from individuals or committees
  • The executive director often takes the place of or serves at the head of the coordinating council
  • Task forces are made up of members who work together around broad objectives
  • Action committees are formed by larger organizations to bring about the changes sought by the organization
  • Support committees are groups that help ensure that action committees or other individuals will have the resources and opportunities necessary to realize their vision
  • Community trustees provide overall support, advice, and resources to organization members
  • Grantmakers can be public or private. They offer financial support to organizations
  • Support organizations are groups that offer technical assistance
  • Partner organizations work on the same issues as your organization