What is a membership program? ___You understand that a membership program is one that asks people to contribute something - money, time, specific actions, etc. - to an organization, in return for which they become affiliated with it for a set length of time. Why might you want to establish a membership program? You know that membership: ___Encourages commitment, and makes people feel part of the organization. ___Can broaden the knowledge and understanding of your issue in the community. ___Builds community support for your organization. ___Can involve members more deeply in the organization. ___Can afford you with a predictable share of annual income. ___May motivate members to contribute to an endowment or make larger annual gifts . ___Can strengthen members' support and advocacy in the community. ___Can establish your credibility with funders. ___Can increase your influence with policy makers. When is a good time to establish a membership program? You take into account: ___The best time of year to contact potential members. ___The organization's capacity to mount a membership drive. ___The organization's need for cash at specific periods. ___ The existence of events or periods when - because of the nature of the organization - it's most appropriate to conduct a membership drive. Who are potential members, and how do you find them? You know that you can: ___Start with the people you know. ___Target individuals and groups that have some personal or professional connection with the work of your organization. ___Buy, borrow, or trade contact lists from other organizations. ___Circulate sign-up sheets at presentations. ___Go where the money is. ___Build a contact list. How do you establish a membership program? You will: ___Develop a system for overseeing and coordinating the membership process. ___Set fees and dues. You'll contact people by: ___Face to face meetings. ___Phone solicitation. ___Direct mail ___You know about bulk mail ___You know how to write and pretest a membership letter. ___You know how to get membership letters stuffed and mailed. ___E-mail. ___Public appeals through the media. ___Other methods: events, postering, etc. ___You will record and answer members' responses. ___You know how to write a member thank-you letter. How do you maintain a membership program? You will: ___Keep building your contact list. ___Keep contact and membership lists up to date. ___Respond to members' offers and requests. ___Keep contact with members.