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This may sound like a bit of silly question but I'm keen to use to use a few bits from /en/table-of-contents/participation/encouraging-involvement/identify-stakeholders/main this particular page in one of my assignments for university and would like to know who the author was and when the article was written please? Obviously I need to quote it and would love to know who the wise and wonderful person was that wrote about stakeholders.
Any information would be most useful.
Many thanks,
Rebecca McCabe
Hi, Rebecca -- Thank you for writing to us at the Community Tool Box. The section you mention on Identifying Stakeholders was written by Phil Rabinowitz, and I would certainly agree with you that he is both wise and wonderful. (In general, the names of contributors are given at the very end of each Tool Box section.) Unfortunately, Phil is no longer working at the Tool Box, but he can be reached at, in case you would like to contact him directly. I’m also copying him with this note. I do not have a publication date for this section, though Phil may. We hope this may be helpful to you. Thanks again for bring in touch, and all best wishes for continued success in your studies and in your own work. Bill Berkowitz For the Community Tool Box team
Question Date:
Fri, 01/03/2014