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Are there online trainings for the modules after lesson 8?
You provide a book with all of the toolkits and curriculum information in a PDF by chance?
Thank you for your inquiry about the Community Tool Box Curriculum. Currently, we have only eight training Modules posted on TRAIN. However, we do have a robustly developed curriculum in core competencies for community health and development which may be helpful to you. The curriculum does contain Participant Guides (in hard copy or pdf format), modifiable Facilitator Guides, and accompanying PowerPoints. More detailed information about the Community Tool Box Curriculum is available here: /sites/default/files/site_files/community_tool_box_curriculum_0.pdf. Additionally, an order form is also available: /sites/default/files/site_files/curriculum_order_sheet.pdf. Feel free to email us at or give us a call at (785) 864-0533 if we can be of further assistance. Best wishes with your capacity-building efforts!
Question Date:
Tue, 02/04/2014