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My 3 yr old Grandson is blind and starting pre-cane training. Our street has no sidewalks so we must go in the road. The city of Boca Raton told us a "blind child in the area" sign cannot be installed because there is no such thing in traffic law. They said we could easily get a deaf person sign if we wanted. Aidan should safely be able to explore his own street and neighborhood. Do you have any suggestions? A local pre-school also ignored requests for admission, stating they were not equipped to take him. We explained that he has a small amount of functional vision in the 0-6 inch range, and we could assist in class if needed. Where do we start, sign being first priority. Thank you.
HiJanet We very much appreciate your question and your loving concern for your grandchild. We would suggest contact one of the advocacy groups for the blind that can help you navigate your rights in the system. two that are possible are: American Council of the Blind: and Advocate for blind Children: Best of luck.
Question Date:
Sat, 05/03/2014