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Hello, I'm in the process of starting a youth driven high school based advocacy team, any curriculums or programs I might be able to look at?
It's excellent that you are starting such a team. The shape of your particular work, though, will depend upon the focus of your own particular advocacy and your own particular goals. In our opinion, that's the best place to start in developing a curriculum or program, since doing so is likely to serve you better than following someone else's model. There are some general principles of organizing for effective advocacy, however; we think your work will be enhanced by knowing and following them. Many of these principles are described in the Community Tool Box, specifically in Part I (Chapters 30-35), which contains about 50 different instructional sections on various advocacy topics and techniques. We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you. Thank you for writing to us at the Community Tool Box; and all best wishes for success in your important work.
Question Date:
Fri, 03/16/2007