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How can this website be used by a health teacher? Is there a way to have students view how this website promotes community health? thanks!
Thank you for writing to us. As you may have seen, the Community Tool Box is designed to provide practical information on many different areas within the very broad field of community health. By reviewing the Table of Contents, you?ll find dozens of specific how-to-do-it sections on a wide variety of topics. We think that the best use of this site for your students will depend upon your particular students and your particular teaching goals. So one way to proceed would be to review the Table of Contents, examine some of the most promising sections within it, and pick out those you feel would have the most value for the students you are teaching. Then you could have your students read those sections, and perhaps answer questions to them that you design. Or they could make up their own questions. Or they could provide a section critique. (We welcome feedback of any kind.) The same would also apply to the many Toolkits and Best Practices modules found in other areas of the Tool Box web site. In addition, as a different option, your students could use a particular Tool Box section, Toolkit, or Best Practice outline as a basis for creating some new material in that general area, such as an illustrative example, a case study, or new instructional content. In that way, your students could be creators as well as consumers of knowledge. Of course, we would be interested in knowing about that should it occur. We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you. Thank you again for writing, and all best wishes for success in your important work.
Question Date:
Thu, 03/29/2007