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Ask an Advisor Answers
I would like some information on how to involve teenagers in developing community capacity. Thank you.
Thank you for writing to us with your important question. While we do not have any specific information on the Community Tool Box about involving teens in the community, many of the materials present can be adapted for use with teens. Your first step might be for your communities to build their own capacity to work with (or involve) teens. Second, you might consider involving the teens in adapting some of the CTB materials to build their own capacity. This sounds like a lot of work, but it you work a little at a time; you might be surprised how quickly it moves, although this process could take a few years to implement within a community. An important thing to note is that while many organizations involve teens by creating a new place at the table, unless the adults? capacity to involve the teens increases, and you build enough capacity among youth to also engage the group authentically, not much will happen. We wish you the best in your work and look forward to hearing good things about your success.
Question Date:
Fri, 06/01/2007