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Question: How can I encourage and promote excellent organizational relationship
Answer: Some of humankind?s best thinkers have been writing and teaching about this vital topic for decades, if not centuries. Their combined writings by now would fill a small library. How much time do you have??! But in a paragraph, thinking about this topic is itself a good start. Beyond that, it will help to (1) value each person in the organization; (2) show appreciation for each person; (3) listen carefully to what everyone has to say: (4) create a structure where there are clear and respectful channels of communication; (5) establish clear and measurable organizational goals; (6) ensure that organization members can participate in shaping those goals; (7) monitor and evaluate progress toward those goals; (8) adjust both goals and organizational policies as a result of evaluations made and other feedback received; and (9) keep the work atmosphere sufficiently pleasant so that you can also enjoy each other?s company. That?s a beginning. To learn more, you might consult several of the chapters in the Community Tool Box, especially those in Part D on Organizational Structure (Chapters 8-12) and Part E on Leadership (Chapters 13-16) We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you. Thank you for writing to us at the Community Tool Box; and all best wishes for success in your important work.
Question Date: Fri, 06/01/2007