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Hola, saludos desde Andalucia (Espa?a), me gustar?a que me indicarais si existen en espa?ol alguna base de datos con las actividades en prevencion y promocion de salud basadas en evidencia. Muchas gracias, un saludo.
I am sorry for my poor spanish-language skills, but I will get this translated correctly and sent to you very quickly. There are several sources for evidence-based practice (EBP) information--most of which is medical, but some of which is also more specific to topic areas like youth development or drug use prevention. Unfortunately, I do not think that many of these resources have been translated to spanish, or were generated in spanish-speaking countries. A good source for medical and health EBP is at This page is maintained by the University of Washington and has links to many other resources. Another good source may be the World Health Organization web site (, which is also available in spanish. I just did a quick search on their (spanish language) web site for EBP, and found many resources in a number of health-related fields. I hope that some of this might be helpful to you!
Question Date:
Fri, 06/15/2007