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Hola, saludos desde Andalucia (Espa?a), me gustar?a que me indicarais si existen en espa?ol alguna base de datos con las actividades en prevencion y promocion de salud basadas en evidencia. Muchas gracias, un saludo.

I am sorry for my poor spanish-language skills, but I will get this translated correctly and sent to you very quickly. There are several sources for evidence-based practice (EBP) information--most of which is medical, but some of which is also more specific to topic areas like youth development or drug use prevention. Unfortunately, I do not think that many of these resources have been translated to spanish, or were generated in spanish-speaking countries. A good source for medical and health EBP is at http://healthlinks.washington.edu/index.jsp?id=e64464ae-50e1-4b89-b1d0-6.... This page is maintained by the University of Washington and has links to many other resources. Another good source may be the World Health Organization web site (http://www.who.int/), which is also available in spanish. I just did a quick search on their (spanish language) web site for EBP, and found many resources in a number of health-related fields. I hope that some of this might be helpful to you!

Question Date: جمعة, 06/15/2007