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Trained as a clinical psychologist, my exposure to community psychology is limited. However, in reading the APA Task Force on Urban Psychology, I am interested pursuing more fully professional opportunities related to Urban Psychology. However, I have had a very difficult time finding additional resources (books, websites, journal articles) that might help me further my knowledge in this area. As this seems like an area that might fall within community psych, I am hoping you might have some ideas for the next best steps. Thank you for any insight you might be able to offer
Rob, Glad you found us, and we are especially glad for your interest in this area. I'm not at all familiar with Urban Psychology as a field, but you will find a HUGE amount of relevant resources in the field of community psychology. A good place to start is the CTB. Second, I would like to point you to Division 27 of APA, the Society for Community Research and Action. They have a web site at There you can access the email reflector, and other background information about the work done by community psychologists. There are numerous relevant professional journals and books--such as the American Journal of Community Psychology, Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, and the Journal of Community Psychology. Much of the work of community psychologists is also featured in topic-specific areas like public health or organizational development. I know that the answer is quite broad, but given the breadth of your stated interest, I hope you find it useful.
Question Date:
Fri, 06/15/2007