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Ask an Advisor Answers
Our coalition is newly formed. I have been project Adminstrator for two weeks. It is important that in order to retain their interest, the coaltion needs to have a tangible project right off the bat! Do you have any suggestions of where I could look for materials for a project that could peak their interests while we are working on missions and visions. Some members of the coalition want a tangible project right off. Please advise
It would be hard to say without knowing why the coalition came about and who is part of it, but the best project would make it clear to all how the new collaboration can lead to outcomes that would be much more difficult to orchestrate without the coalition. It should also be sure-fire and involve/benefit three or more members. One suggestion would be to ask the coalition members what their priorities are, then design a very small, concrete task to address it that is likely to succeed.
Question Date:
Tue, 10/23/2007