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To whom it may concern: I am working to promote a literacy project in the community. We are currently working on a train-the-trainer model. We plan to hold a training session for community members, and are hoping that these members will then go to their communities and train others. A problem that has come across will we be evaluating our intervnetion? Will we be measuring how many sessions they carry out in the next year? Or what? Thank you so much, and I look forward to hearing from you. --Sandy Liang
Hi Sandy, You ask a challenging question, because it is not clear to me whether you are focused upon evaluating how much subsequent training the trainers do, or how much progress their trainees make in learning new reading skills. Once you decide that, the evaluation process may get easier to define. Take a look at our core competency 12: Evaluating the Initiative. Also consider, under our Table of Contents, Part D, chapters 11 and 12; and Part J, chapters 36 to 39. You might also click on the Work Station sign-in tab to identify other organizations that might be active in a similar effort. Thanks for asking, and best of luck with your project!
Question Date:
Tue, 07/01/2008