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Hello, I am interested in doing an evaluation/survey of a website. Specifically, I would like to explore if the information we provide on our website impacts feelings of efficacy visitors have in terms of taking action. Do you have any resources that can provide any relevant information? I have some albeit limited access to peer-reviewed journals so both websites and journal articles would be helpful. Thanks, Gina Hijjawi
Hey, thanks for the question. Its always a challenge to try to accurately measure the impact of an online experience. Check out the toolbox
for some general steps to evaluation. Then, when you are ready to think about your tool or survey, you might read more on the "General Self-Efficacy Scale" to see if you can adapt these items for your purpose. One article to check out can be found
. Also, some new research on "online communities of practice' is beginning to emerge. You might find this article useful - Johnson, C.M. (2001). A survey of current research on online communities of practice. Internet and Higher Education, 4, 45-60. Good Luck! ~Scot
Question Date:
Thu, 07/03/2008