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I was directed to your site by a google search looking for the "Ugly Orange Case," which is used as an exercise to build collaboration. The pdf is titled "Commmunity Involvement and Collaboration - 6.5 Understanding Collaboration" it references handout 6.5.A Ugly Orange Case that I am unable to locate. No date is provided on the document. Can you help? Best regards, Dr. Barbara Durant
Hi Barbara, Beats me! I did a search within CTB and drew a blank, so I also went to Google and found the reference you probably refer to. It connected with another website that is not part of CTB. I will ask within our group, and if anyone knows where to find it, I will post a second reply. In the mean time, it appears we have both struck out. Thanks anyway for contacting CTB. Feel free to use any of our other materials in your planning process.
Question Date:
Wed, 07/23/2008