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Question: Aloha, my name is Ginger Otto, I am a Preschool teacher at a Catholic School here on the Island of Kauai , Hawaii . I am a passionate gardener as well and we have the space to utilize just not the funding for a educational outdoor addition to our Preschool grounds. My dream is to build a walk in Chicken coup with nesting boxes along both sides so our preschoolers could daily get the eggs and they in turn would supply our cafeteria with the eggs needed for cooking in both the breakfast and lunch meals we provide for our school. It will be a very educational and enriching experience for them as well as contributing to the sustainability of our school. I have never applied for a grant and am a little intimidated about the thought but passionate enough about this goal I am willing to try to see what I can do. I guess my question is does this sound like something that may quailify for funding through Community Toolbox?? If so what are the steps I should take or where do I begin? Mahalo for your time. Aloha, Ginger

Hi Ginger, and thanks for contacting CTB,
First, I need to tell you that CTB does not make grants for funding.  We are a knowledge resource for people at all levels of effort to improve their communities.
Having said that, I want to encourage you to look for information within out Table of Contents that may help you in several ways:
First, consider how to define and communicate the need for, and benefits of, your proposed project.  You made a very good start of that in your message to us.
Second, consider who all might become local allies in carrying out our goal.  Please don't misunderstand what I am about to say, but your goal is small, local, and specific enough that local residents, school parents, construction companies, or other donors may be quite willing to pitch in and "just do it" for the school kids.  Don't overlook any Agricultural Extension Agent that may be available on your island to assist.
Third, please do review our chapter 42 on grant Writing. and the related took kit 14.  You will find those by clicking on the Learn a Skill graphic, then on Table of Contents.  Scroll down to Chapter 42 (you will also see the tool kit to the right) and open that chapter.
After you have reviewed that, we invite you to peruse any other relevant chapters that may help you on planning of recruiting community involvement.
Best wishes for a successful, hopefully local, project!

PS:  After thinking about this some more, I assume you have cleared the project with school administration.  Because you will be providing food to the school cafeteria for student consumption, you should also discuss your project with the local Public Health Department before proceeding.  Food sanitation regulations may apply.

Question Date: Sat, 08/27/2016