10. المناداة من أجل التغيير

Every person with the airborne infectious disease tuberculosis infects, on average, 10 to 15 people every year (WHO).

In the winter of 1980-1981, a Kansas state representative, with the support of the Kansas Medical Society and Kansas Women for Highway Safety proposed the Kansas Child Passenger Safety Act.

The Missouri Community Advocacy Network (MoCAN) and a team of AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteers (Volunteers in Service to America) provide education and training on the importance of community inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities.

“Stoplights Don’t Stop Us!” tells the story of how people with disabilities in Emporia, Kansas, living in a high-rise apartment complex near a dangerous intersection, came together as allies to advocate for change in their community.

The “Say YES for the children” campaign was launched on April 16th 2001 in an effort to rally people behind 10 principles (imperatives) that seek to improve and protect the lives of children.

As reported in the 2010 paper, The economics of tobacco in Lebanon: an estimation of the social costs of tobacco consumption, produced as part of the American University of Beruit Tobacco Control Research Group, “Lebanon has high smoking rates for both cigarettes and waterpipes, especially among the youth aged 13-15.

Picha Mtaani, Swahili for ‘street exhibition,’ is a youth-led peace initiative that seeks to create space for young people to reconcile and become agents of reconciliation in their respective communities.

Generally, the issue of sexual violence in Africa is difficult to overcome because of the social stigma that comes with it.

This documentary, ten years in the making, weaves together the most urgent themes of our times: climate change, gender and racial inequality, the gaps between the rich and the poor, and the ideas that groups around the world have generated in order to save the planet.

The podcast episode "Tenants' Rights: A Matter of Health" explores the critical links between housing conditions, health disparities, and tenant organizing, featuring Dr. Jamila Michener's insights on how systemic inequalities and collective advocacy shape public health and empower communities.