Dear Mahawa,
We are so glad that you wrote to us at the Tool Box with your question.
The Tool Box has many resources on beginning a program. Maybe the most useful would be the Tool Kit on Dveeloping a Framework
Here is a summary of this Tool Kit:
Tool Kit
Developing a Framework
Example 1 - Work Group for Community Health and Development Logic Model
Example 2 - A Framework for Promoting Child Well-Being
Example 3 - Community Health Partnership Program Logic Model (Insurance and Service)
Example 4 - Community Health Improvement Process
Example 5 - Conceptual Model of Family Support
Example 6 - Overview of Logic Model and Strategies for the Kansas City-Chronic Disease Coalition to Reduce Health Disparities
Example 7 - Calhoun County Health Improvement Program Logic Model
Example 8 - Preventing Infant Mortality: State-level, State-systems level, Safe sleep, and Access to Health Care and Social Supports Logic Models
Example 9 - Latino Health for All Logic Model/ Framework
Example 10: A framework for promoting gender equality in education in Kenya
Example 11 - A Strategic Framework for Improving Racial/Ethnic Minority Health and Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities
The Community Tool Box is a service of the Work Group for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas.
Best of luck with your project.