Use Policy

Linking to the Community Tool Box

We invite you to link to resources within the Community Tool Box from your website.

If you would like to extract materials from the Community Tool Box to include in another publication, or on your website or blog, please read the guidelines below.

Printing or Distributing Community Tool Box Materials

We wholeheartedly encourage use of material from the Community Tool Box for capacity building activities within your group, with courses or workshops that you may teach, or for personal use.

There are a number of conditions under which we see material from the Community Tool Box being used. The following is a short list, with information about our expectations within those situations.

Conditions of Use of Materials from the CTB

  1. Personal use: Permission is granted to use and copy Community Tool Box documents for non-commercial use. Please ensure citation of materials appears on all copies and documentation.
  2. Workshops within your not-for-profit community group or initiative: Permission is granted to use and copy Community Tool Box documents for non-commercial use. Please ensure citation of materials appears on all copies and documentation.
  3. Workshops for which you are a paid leader, facilitator, or consultant: Please contact us directly for permission to use our material under these circumstances. Depending on the situation, there may be fees associated with printing and distributing material from the Community Tool Box.
  4. Printing and redistributing material from the CTB as part of training materials, workbooks, or other publications: Please contact us directly for written permission to use material from the Community Tool Box. Depending on the situation, there may be fees associated with printing and distributing material from the Community Tool Box.
  5. Use of materials from the CTB in courses taught at primary, secondary, or post-secondary educational institutions: Please contact us directly about your use of CTB materials within courses. We would like for your students to access the material themselves, but we would really like to track their use. Also, as if you are printing and redistributing material from the CTB, there may be fees associated with that use. Please contact us to discuss your situation.

How to Credit Material from the Community Tool Box

In order to cite the Community Tool Box, we suggest that you use the citation format of the American Psychological Association. Information about their citation format is available on their website. An example citation for a section from the tools appears below.

Example Citation:

Center for Community Health and Development. (n.d.). Chapter 3, Section 10: Conducting Concerns Surveys. University of Kansas. Retrieved January 2, 2020, from the Community Tool Box: /en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/conduct-concerns-surveys/main

Right Use Policy

Non-Commercial Use: Permission is granted to use and copy CTB documents for any non-commercial use, subject to the following restrictions:

  1. The above copyright notice appears on all copies and documentation.
  2. Neither this software and its name nor the name "The University of Kansas" shall be used in any advertisements or publicity programs without specific permission.

Commercial Use: Any commercial use of documents on this website will require a license and a fee. Under no circumstances can any files be altered or distributed without specific written permission.

To contact the Center for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansas:

Phone: (785) 864-0533