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Who do I get in contact with about contaminated well water. I did contact epa they be out in 30 days. Not acceptable . I contacted congrassmans office no avail.

Hi Bree, 
I am sorry to hear about the conditions of your water.  The Community Tool Box is not designed to help with this kind of situation, and you have already taken the actions I would recommend.  
I’m not sure who you filed your complaint with at the EPA, but you should be able to find your local ombudsperson through this link:
An ombudsperson is a designated or appointed official whose job it is to investigate complaints and attempt to resolve the concerns raised.  I hope you can connect with yours to alert them of the situation.  
My apologies for the late nature of this reply, 
Sharon M. Wasco, PhD
Ask An Advisor, September 2021

Question Date: Lun, 08/16/2021