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Section 3. Developing Multisector Task Forces or Action Committees for the Initiative

What is a multisector task force or action committee?

___You know that a multisector task force or action committee is a subgroup of a larger initiative assembled from a cross-section of the initiative or community to address a specific problem or to accomplish a specific goal

Why would you form a multisector task force or action committee?

___Task forces or action committees can allow a larger group to zero in on the areas that need the most, or immediate, attention

___A task force or action committee can focus in on the specific issue, rather than being pulled in a number of directions, as the larger group may be

___In general, a small group can operate more efficiently than a large one to get things done

___Task forces and action committees give people a chance to concentrate on their major areas of interest, and to contribute more effectively to the work of the larger group

___Task forces and action committees can pull in members who may not be interested in the larger group to work on just the particular issue they are interested in

You make your group multisector because:

___Community action usually requires the support, and often the participation, of all stakeholders if it's to be successful

___Involvement of all stakeholders in planning and carrying out any action means that they'll take ownership of those plans and actions

___Involvement of many sectors of the community brings with it the information and insights that those different sectors have into the issue

___The perspectives of various sectors on community history and personalities can help the group to a real understanding of the issue

___Involving many sectors in the task force or action committee will generate community cooperation and support for the action taken

___Multisector participation benefits the larger initiative and the community as well, because it brings together individuals and groups who might not, under other circumstances, have much contact, or who might distrust one another

___It's simply fair and reasonable to involve people in decisions which affect their lives

You know the possible disadvantages of such groups:

___There may be enmity and distrust among segments of the community that are normally at odds, or who have little contact

___There may be deep-seated disagreement about how to handle the issue

___Different individuals or groups may have very different levels of commitment to the work of the task force or action committee

___There may be differences in levels of sophistication, education, and "group skills" among members of the group from different sectors of the community

When would you form a multisector task force or action committee?

___When the initiative as a whole identifies a specific issue, within its larger mission, that needs to be attended to

___When new information points out something in the community that can't be ignored

___When an existing task force or action committee realizes its work can't be completed without addressing another area related to its own focus

___When a difficult situation or critical action by an external entity makes attention to a particular issue suddenly more important

___When a group within a larger initiative sees an issue that it particularly wants to concentrate on

Who might be part of a multisector task force or action committee?

___You seek members who aren't part of the larger group that the task force or action committee is part of

___You look for stakeholders and other interested parties

___You look for people who can be helpful to the effort

How do you develop a multisector task force or action committee?

___You define the relationship of your task force or action committee to the larger group

___You find the right people to lead your task force or action committee

___You identify individuals or groups whose participation your task force can't do without

___You recruit members for your task force or action committee

___You gather the group and define its purpose

  • Define the problem or issue clearly
  • Envision the ideal solution - what do you want things to look like or be like when your work is done?
  • Start with the solution and work backward
  • Map out benchmarks - achievements along the way - between where you are now and where you want to get to
  • Brainstorm or otherwise determine ways to reach each benchmark from the one before, and to reach your final goal
  • Identify whether your plan means that other issues have to be addressed as well
  • Identify the resources you'll need to get to each benchmark, and decide - realistically - how much you can obtain
  • Draft a plan based on what you've come up with
  • Present your plan to the larger group

___You implement your plan

___You evaluate and adjust your plan and your actions

___You celebrate successes along the way

___You find a way to institutionalize whatever is necessary to continue to address the issue