Capítulo 2. | Sección 1.

Sección 1. Desarrollar un modelo lógico o teoría de cambio

These are examples of logic models that other people have found effective. Please note, however, that no other person's or group's logic model can serve as template for your own; even if your initiative is similar, the forces of change and other important details for each effort will differ.

Example 1: Community Health Assessment and Action Planning (CHAAP) Process Improvement Plan in St. Louis County

This logic model lays out St. Louis County’s Department of Public Health and Human Services’ proposed improvement plan to overcome the challenges of protecting vulnerable populations in the event of a disaster.

Example 2: Integration of Mental Health into Chronic Disease Prevention Strategies and Health Promotion Efforts

As mental health greatly affects an individual's capacity to participate in health promoting-behaviors, this logic model details possible steps to address mental health and its relationship with chronic disease prevention and health promotion.

Example 3: Georgia Society for Public Health Education Logic Model

Example 4: Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Education Program Logic Model


Example 5: National Endowment for the Arts - "Our Town" Logic Model

This logic model was developed by the National Endowment for the Arts for their Creative Placemaking Grants Program deemed "Our Town". The model promotes strengthening communities by advancing local physical, economic, and social outcomes.

Example 6: CDC Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Prevention Program Logic Model

Example 7: LHFA Logic Model / Framework

Example 8: Tenderloin Health Improvement Partnership Logic Model

This logic model helps visualize how TLHIP, an initiative led by the Saint Francis Foundation, works collectively with community partners and other stakeholders to improve the health of Tenderloin residents in downtown San Francisco.