Formulario de búsqueda


Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. Capítulo 31, Sección 10. Realizar investigaciones para influir en políticas - Sección Principal

    ... hard-nosed insight. One of the most influential of liberal public policy research organizations. A Gateway for Capacity ... issues for the general public. The Public Policy Forum  is an independent, non-partisan, good government organization (est. ...

  2. Chapter 2, Section 3. Healthy Cities/Healthy Communities - Main Section

    ... an income adequate for a reasonable quality of life, and public support for those who are unable to work or find jobs. A stable ... process in a 1993 interview by Joe Flower in Healthcare Forum Journal . The first thing that happens when the Healthy Cities ...

  3. Chapter 33, Section 15. Seeking a Negotiator, Mediator, or Fact-Finder - Main Section

    ... and political activists, psychologists, administrators, public officials, diplomats - in short, nearly anyone who has the experience ... Jan.-Feb., 2000, pp.16-17. Te National Arbitration Forum . A provider of fee-based mediation in commercial, financial, and ...

  4. Chapter 26, Section 8. Creating Good Places for Interaction - Main Section

    ... everyone There are many different kinds of spaces, public and private, rural and urban, that can be good places for ... are the equivalent of the Agora in ancient Athens or the Forum in Rome, where citizens came to do business, engage in politics, and ...

  5. Example 4: Elevating Local Policies: A Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation Policy

    ... do not have toilets and most residents live far from public restrooms. As a result, children often relieve themselves outdoors, ... Sponsor a public hearing by arranging a public forum or CDD to discuss sanitation issues and the new policies proposed ...

  6. Chapter 2, Section 13. MAPP: Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships - Examples

    ... Health Department. Survey staff (Health Department staff and public health/nursing students) approached all adult clients after they checked ... each conducted a series of three community forums. The first forum set focused on providing information, and the second and third forums ...

  7. Reducing Harmful Environmental Exposures

    ... gathered data on dumping sites and industrial emissions from public records held by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The ... future projects. The results were discussed at a public forum April 25, attended by more than 60 community members who gave feedback in ...

  8. Chapter 3, Section 1. Developing a Plan for Assessing Local Needs and Resources - Main Section

    ... cohesiveness. An obvious example might be the need for public transportation in a community where older adults have no means of ... the community's needs and resources. A good public forum informs the group of where the community is and where the members would ...

  9. Capítulo 2, Sección 3. Ciudades saludables / Comunidades saludables - Sección Principal

    ... Revista de Foros para el Cuidado de la Salud ( Healthcare Forum Journal ) en 1993. Lo primero que ocurre cuando se desarrolla un ... Guide for Promoting Quality of Life. Washington, DC. Public Health , Vol. 115, Nos. 2 and 3 (March/April & May/June, 2000): Focus ...

  10. Capítulo 25, Sección 6. Promover políticas empresariales y gubernamentales favorables para la comunidad - Sección Principal

    ... and rural entrepreneurship for small business Forum of Private Business , a British industry organization. Short piece ... and social responsibility) guidelines. Institute for Public Policy Research . The  Communities Initiative  of IPPR ...
