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I'm disabled by Lymes disease, fibromyaligia, chronic pheriphial neuro apathy, and more. I lost my daughter last year. Her children where staying with my sister. My sister claimed she couldn't afford to feed them and needed help, would i move in. So i did. She moved her daughter in with her boyfriend and three children. She moved my things into her garage. But, she kept my things she wanted. She won't allow me to see my grandchildren. Their father has custody and gets money from the state. But he hasn't raised them for five years. What can I do? I've already lost my daughter and it's bad enough she is stealing from me again. I need help Please.

Angelina, we are deeply sympathetic but we have no way to help you.  We urge you to consult immediately with your physician and ask for help in contacting the appropriate local authorities.
With concern, and also with regret.

Question Date: ش., 08/16/2014