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how to conduct community organization meeting?
what are the ways of establishing a good relationship with the community?

Hi Nylana,
You ask a very important question, because building good relationships - including respectful relationships between participants who disagree - is fundamental to success in community organization efforts.  At a practical level, that meansmaking time and opportunities within your organizing pprocess for people to get acquainted, share their hopes and also their concerns, and arrive at concensus about goals and how they will try to accomplish them.  Usually, it is important to define clearly the issue of concern upon which the orrganizing effort will focus and the general result the participants hope to accomplish.  Clarity and transparancy help to attract people and to build trust.  Part of that trust-building pprocess is enabling people to recognize their differing viewpoints while also seing where they can work together.
If you are new to the organizing process, we suggest you review Toolkit 1: Creating and maintaianing partnerships.  You will find that link under our Table of Contents, along with a summary of Our Model for Community Change and Improvement.  We also suggest that you review Toolkit 8: Increasing Participation and Membership.  Other chapters and toolkits will become relevant as you progress. so please feel free to brouse throughout the Table of Contents as different chapters become relevant.

Question Date: جمعه, 07/01/2016